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Josey Wales category? What is it?

Kid Latham, SASS #79471

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I've heard mention on the wire of clubs offering a Josey Wales category in their local matches using four revolvers. I understand the character, but as a budding stage writer, I'm curious as to how the handguns are staged, whether special target setups are used, and any special safety considerations involved?


Any input will be apprciated.



Kid Latham


What I have seen is normal stage sit-up is used, just stage the pistols in place of the rifle. I have seen some shooters have shoulder holsters to carry the pistols but have to place them on the table.

but others with more know may be nore help.


Hi Kid,


One of the clubs I belong to offers it as a category. Basically, you shoot two pistols instead of the rifle at the same rifle targets as the rifle shooters. So, you need four pistols for the match.


I've shot it at annual matches too, where you needed IIRC six pistols. There were no rifles used on that stage. The extra four pistols were staged in holsters on a coat rack one year. Another time, they were staged in a series of boxes.




Allie Mo



I have shot that category a couple of times and really think it's alot of fun. I think the rules may be a little different from club to club because I don't think it's a sanctioned category. When I shoot Josey Wales it is usually set up as a "special" event along with a Wild Bunch category. Josey Wales uses five pistols. Two holstered pistols for your regular pistol targets, two pistols for your rifle targets, and one pistol for the shotgun targets. The pistols used to shoot the rifle targets are usually staged on a table as is the pistol used to shoot the shotgun targets. Usually the shotgun targets don't have to be knocked down which is kind of the same rules that buckaroos use. I usually shoot a .45 for the shotgun targets and have no problem knocking anything over. The rifle targets can present a challenge because they are or seem so far out. I like that though. I haven't tried a wild bunch shoot yet but Josey Wales is fun. I also don't need a gun cart that day. Put everything in holsters in a bag : )


Ned Lander


To the stage designer, the Josey Wales category should mean that the rifle targets are brought closer so they are no longer a real rifle target range wise.

This would permit the JW category shooters to hit more rifle targets and feel more satisfaction.

I've heard mention on the wire of clubs offering a Josey Wales category in their local matches using four revolvers. I understand the character, but as a budding stage writer, I'm curious as to how the handguns are staged, whether special target setups are used, and any special safety considerations involved?


Any input will be apprciated.



Kid Latham



We have been trying different ways of doing this at our club. We seem to be settling on 4 pistols and a shotgun. We stage 2 pistols in place of rifle and load pistols to match total rounds. Usually shooter will inform TO of round count in each pistol so that TO doesn't call for "one more" or such when pistol is shot empty. Moving pistols to/from firing line is done muzzles up like rifles and shotgun. Muzzles down and clear of other shooters is also a possibility. Does take 2 trips to get everything to/ from tables usually. If your hands are strong enought to carry 2 pistols and a shotgun SAFELY; that is your call. YMMV.

Marty Mudd

To the stage designer, the Josey Wales category should mean that the rifle targets are brought closer so they are no longer a real rifle target range wise.

This would permit the JW category shooters to hit more rifle targets and feel more satisfaction.

So where is the challenge in that?


At RRBar in the fall they have their annual BP shoot and JW is a category.


They also tend to place the rifle targets further out and you can also use single shot rifles.


There are two sets of rifle targets in this case.


Last year they had a stage where ya picked which rifle targets ya would shoot, 9 rifle closer in or 5 quite a way out, like 75 yards!


I shot JW and picked the far out targets, just like Wild Bill...


I hit 4 out of five with an 1872 open top...


Better than the rifle shooters!!


At their match there is no other category I would shoot, it's just too much fun!





When our group of loons shoot Josey Wales as a "match," it's 5 pistols, 5th pistol being the shotgun and the the "rifle" targets are brought in a mite closer. If you decide to shoot JW at a regular match, no change to the targets, you just use 4 pistols & a shotgun. Groups of fun either way.




We replace the rifle with pistols and call it Outlaw class.

I put out tables, barrels and add shelfs to the walls to stage the pistols.

I bring the rifle targets in closer or hang our bigger steel on them.

No one has done it yet, but they can shoot this Wild Bunch style.


I offer this every other month.

I can e-mail PDF copies of stages to you, if it would be helpful.


To the stage designer, the Josey Wales category should mean that the rifle targets are brought closer so they are no longer a real rifle target range wise.

This would permit the JW category shooters to hit more rifle targets and feel more satisfaction.


I disagree:

There in lies the challenge.

We have a Josey Wales category once a year at Tusco Long Riders.

5 pistols.

"shotgun" pistol and "rifle" pistols are staged.

Each stage is 10-10-5

First time I shot it I missed more rifle targets than I hit but still had a great time.

Prior to the next JW match, I practiced shooting at rifle targets with my pistols & have done much much better since.


Last year at the Black Powder guild annual match at Cutter's Raiders, the match director decided to have JW shooters just shoot the pistol targets twice instead of shooting the rifle targets (I don't know why). I had shot JW at the first two annuals & was shooting a different category. I'm glad because they took the challenge out of it.


JW is fun & challenging.


I'm shooting it at Possum Trot in a coupla weeks and at Tusco on the 1st Saturday in November.



JJJ and PD, I stand by my comments.

If you watched the movie, you notice that the Josey Wales character as well as others in the movie were shooting relatively close targets with multiple pistols no rifles.

They appear to have 4 pistols and not the SASS classic inventory of 2 pistols, 1 rifle and a shotgun.

The one rifle shot that Josey takes is with a single shot rifle.


So to me, the "rifle target" need to be closer than some rifle targets are.

The Josey Wales character does not appear to make any Wild Bill type shots.

Do I mean that all the targets are closer than they are at say EOT, no.

Those targets appear to be closer than the standards set forth in the Shooters Handbook page 20.

Where the suggested distances are 7-10 yards for revolver, rifle 13-50 yards and 8-16 yards for shotgun.


The suggestion for the targets is that the distances be more like the minimum suggested rifle distance.

To the stage designer, the Josey Wales category should mean that the rifle targets are brought closer so they are no longer a real rifle target range wise.

This would permit the JW category shooters to hit more rifle targets and feel more satisfaction.


Yer kiddin right??????

JJJ and PD, I stand by my comments.

If you watched the movie, you notice that the Josey Wales character as well as others in the movie were shooting relatively close targets with multiple pistols no rifles.

They appear to have 4 pistols and not the SASS classic inventory of 2 pistols, 1 rifle and a shotgun.

The one rifle shot that Josey takes is with a single shot rifle.


So to me, the "rifle target" need to be closer than some rifle targets are.

The Josey Wales character does not appear to make any Wild Bill type shots.

Do I mean that all the targets are closer than they are at say EOT, no.

Those targets appear to be closer than the standards set forth in the Shooters Handbook page 20.

Where the suggested distances are 7-10 yards for revolver, rifle 13-50 yards and 8-16 yards for shotgun.


The suggestion for the targets is that the distances be more like the minimum suggested rifle distance.


so have you ever shot this??????


Actually I have.

The entire match of 6 stages were shot at a club that uses distances closer to the SASS suggested MINIMUM distances.

Which means that the rifle targets were at the 13 yards max.


We used 2 pistols to shoot pistol targets, 2 pistols to shoot the rifle targets and a shotgun for the shotgun targets.


It was fun as a diversity. But it made for a bit more challenge in shooting a pistol at a longer distance than normal.


From a distance perspective, What I see is that many places are shooting with distances closer to the minimum suggested distance than the maximum.

Closer and larger targets appear from where I shoot and view to be more common than smaller and farther away.


Don't you agree?

Actually I have.

The entire match of 6 stages were shot at a club that uses distances closer to the SASS suggested MINIMUM distances.

Which means that the rifle targets were at the 13 yards max.


We used 2 pistols to shoot pistol targets, 2 pistols to shoot the rifle targets and a shotgun for the shotgun targets.


It was fun as a diversity. But it made for a bit more challenge in shooting a pistol at a longer distance than normal.


From a distance perspective, What I see is that many places are shooting with distances closer to the minimum suggested distance than the maximum.

Closer and larger targets appear from where I shoot and view to be more common than smaller and farther away.


Don't you agree?

Like I said, where is the 'fun' in that?


Just because it wasn't done that way in the movies doesn't mean ya cain't make it more of a challenge.


But that is just my opinion, I just hope the guys at RRBar don't change what they do, it's just to much fun...


no harm, no foul,




Hi Kid,

One of the clubs I belong to offers it as a category. Basically, you shoot two pistols instead of the rifle at the same rifle targets as the rifle shooters. So, you need four pistols for the match.

I've shot it at annual matches too, where you needed IIRC six pistols. There were no rifles used on that stage. The extra four pistols were staged in holsters on a coat rack one year. Another time, they were staged in a series of boxes.


Allie Mo


pheww :FlagAm: No-E thought it was with a cigar in yer teef ^_^

Actually I have.

The entire match of 6 stages were shot at a club that uses distances closer to the SASS suggested MINIMUM distances.

Which means that the rifle targets were at the 13 yards max.


We used 2 pistols to shoot pistol targets, 2 pistols to shoot the rifle targets and a shotgun for the shotgun targets.


It was fun as a diversity. But it made for a bit more challenge in shooting a pistol at a longer distance than normal.


From a distance perspective, What I see is that many places are shooting with distances closer to the minimum suggested distance than the maximum.

Closer and larger targets appear from where I shoot and view to be more common than smaller and farther away.


Don't you agree?


Gotcha Hacker and yeah there's only one place in the last few years I have seen rifle targets at rifle target distance (with the size of the targets easily hit with pistols ).........all the others the rifle targets were well within pistol shooting distance for everyone....in fact made a mistake and shot the rifle targets with my pistol for some misses oooops.........I don't get out much anymore


So now i understand why you suggested setting them at minimum so everyone , no matter how skilled can hit them and feel good about their shooting ability.


Yeah thinkin a 40 ft shot with a pistol you would really have to have some pretty advanced skills.

  • 4 weeks later...

We had one guy shoot Josey Wales category at our last match (CASS, WV). He brought a couple stool/barrels up to the front to stage his extra pistols.


I'm thinking of trying it myself. I have two 1872 Open Tops w/ 7.5-in barrels for the rifle targets, two Ruger OMV w/ 3-5/8-in barrels for the pistol targets, and I'm expecting delivery of an American Arms .45LC/.410 derringer w/ a 6-in barrel for the shotgun targets. I plan to carry them all with me in leather (double-strongside, double shoulder holster), just like Josey. I guess I can't carry the derringer loaded, but I can load it with .410 shells two at a time.



Huh? One club out here (not SASS affiliated) has a Real Man Cigar category. You have to keep the cigar lit during the stage or get a P.




No E - D!


I'd have to pass. Guess I'm not a real man


Dang I just spent $1200 on a pair of Rugers $300 on a shotgun still savin nickles for a riffle and i find out i ned 3 more Pistolas. This is one expensive sport. The Outlaw Josey Wales is one of my All time favs so I have to shoot it

Hi Max,


Before you make plans to shoot JW, you should check that it is offered at a club with matches you will be attending.




Allie Mo



It is Offered around these parts. But I will just have to sit them out :-(


At our local club JW is shot with all pistols. Was looking at it myself when I had my shooting shoulder worked on.


Huh? One club out here (not SASS affiliated) has a Real Man Cigar category. You have to keep the cigar lit during the stage or get a P.




Hey Allie..I remember shootin that back in the 80's at Chabot...so they are still doing it? Had to use a real match too, no store bought lighters.

Dead Eye Dick was shootin a deluxe engraved Browning 86 in 45-70 for a main match rifle and we had to hit them hanging sticks way out at the back of the range

Huh? One club out here (not SASS affiliated) has a Real Man Cigar category. You have to keep the cigar lit during the stage or get a P.




Hey Allie..I remember shootin that back in the 80's at Chabot...so they are still doing it? Had to use a real match too, no store bought lighters.

Dead Eye Dick was shootin a deluxe engraved Browning 86 in 45-70 for a main match rifle and we had to hit them hanging sticks way out at the back of the range

Hi Dusty,


I don't know if they are or not. I haven't been there since hubby quit shooting. Also, we moved and it's about three hours away.


I remember the sticks too. They quit using them and started using "real" targets like angle iron. :D


I remember Captain Buffalo shooting a 45-70 in there too. Our last stage of the day was 28 (or so rifle). We groaned with every miss; he was worn out.


It was Richmond Roundup where we shot the Josey Wales stage. I always loved the stages there, especially when Dick was MD.


Take care,


Allie Mo

Huh? One club out here (not SASS affiliated) has a Real Man Cigar category. You have to keep the cigar lit during the stage or get a P.




No E - D!


verwy interwesting--ja I have heard of dat...but you remember Bev-Mo, I don't shoot, right? I help with the scorin' tho'


and since the discussion is what's kosher JW, I'ma thinkin' a ceegar ...why not :rolleyes: just another thing to argue about :rolleyes:


Jittery Jim Jonah,


As far as changing my mind on target placement out at RRBar for the annual Brimstone Pistoleros BP shoot, I am restrain only by my ability to carry targets and climb the hill side to set them. You can always tell when I have help. The rifle caliber targets are farther out.


I promise I won't let you down. Now make sure you get the day off so you can join us. Jan 30th.

I've heard mention on the wire of clubs offering a Josey Wales category in their local matches using four revolvers. I understand the character, but as a budding stage writer, I'm curious as to how the handguns are staged, whether special target setups are used, and any special safety considerations involved?


Any input will be apprciated.



Kid Latham


We don't do it as a "category" but in the past we have occasionally thrown in a Josey Wales "stage" where the shooter uses 4-6 or more pistols to engage all targets within the scenario at whatever distances. Two handuns from the holsters, the rest staged, usually with some movement between pairs. Most shooters have to borrow guns from each other for these (so we've announced 'em well in advance), so partly it's a way to give everyone a chance to try different handguns if they want to. I think one time we also included some club-provided pocket pistols in a stage.


It's kind of a hoot! :rolleyes:




I've never shot it with five pistols... if you use a fifth pistol for the shotgun, is it loaded with 4 rounds? Can you make up shotgun misses like a lot of clubs allow with SG targets? If so, do you load 5 in the shotgun pistol at the loading table and dump the 5th one down range if you hit the SG targets with the first 4 rounds or do you load #5 on the clock? If you only load 4, I assume a C&B shooter can charge all five, cap on the clock, and would of course have to dump #5 downrange if not needed...?


I still wonder, I don't have the JW jacket but I do have the leather to safely carry 4 revolvers downrange and if that might be an allowed method of deployment durring the shoot staging the bonus two at the locations where the rest of the group are staging theirs after firing the weapons and before moving on to the next spot in the stage? Smithy.

  • 1 month later...

The Sand Creek Raiders try to hold a "Fun Match" if there is a 5th Sunday in the month. This means we shoot our regular SASS montly match plus an additional Fun Match.


At the Fun Match we iclude Wild Bunch, Josey Wales and Outlaw categories in addition to our regular monthly categories. The stages are written to accomodate these "unusual" categories. for example, lots of tables are placed so folks can stage their extra pistols when shooting Josey Wales.


It is a hoot! You either get to shoot cowboy again or try something different.


You can check out our website for our rules. Sand Creek Raiders


Don't know why I didn't chime in here long ago. We had several shooters in our Josey Wales category at Smokeout.


Thanks Dawg!!


Our rifle targets were NOT moved in nor were the shotgun knock-downs calibrated for lighter loads.


We had a ball and mostly hit the vast majority of the targets.


Matter of fact three years ago Lucky Leroy shot the match clean.


On the local club level my buddy Tn Critr has shot several monthly matches clean shooting Josey Wales.


Move the rifle targets in??? PSHAW!!!!


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