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Heads up about your Days Inn Motel Room

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:) :angry:I just checked my room at the Days inn today, this is what I found out.


1. Days Inn has sold out to Motel 6

2. Days Inn did not transfer Reservations that were made with them to Motel 6.

3. Motel 6 has no reservations book or list.


So beware you may not have any room Reservations, I could not fine any one who knew what was going on.

my reservations number can not be found by Days Inn or Motel 6.


That means I have to rebook now and hope I get a room at this late date.


Lots of Luck guys, Big Corporations don't care about us little people.


so What is new


Lobo Joe :blink:

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Howdy, Lobo Joe -


I just called the Days Inn where I have my reservation for EoT (located on Hotel Ave near Eubank and I-40) and was told they are still a Days Inn and expect to stay that way. I also reconfirmed my reservation with them.


Which Days Inn, specifically, are you referring to in your post? It might help avoid some unnecessary anxiety on the part of your pards if you specify the establishment you're having the problem with.


Regards, TJH

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