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Ammo at EoT?


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Does anyone know if there will be ammo vendors this year at EoT? I am wanting to buy some match appropriate (lead) 45 acp for my 1911 (Wild Bunch ammo) and I am having a very tough time locating any. I do not reload so that does not work for me. I don't shoot a great deal of main match 45 LC and what I do buy I buy at gun shows and the like for very reasonable prices but no one ever has 45 acp lead. This leaves me in a bit of a jam.





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Dan just give this man a call. he will help you out !!!

He is cowboy shooter and a fine bullet maker.


Stormy Reinz

Master Craft Bullets

903-3634663 or www.mastercraftbullets.com



" SLIM "

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  • 2 weeks later...

Slim, the question was about AMMUNITION, not BULLETS!


Dan, Give Jack Diamond a call and have him reserve some .45 ACP for you, His booth is in the Belle Union, southeast corner. He has loaded ammunition just for people who get to EOT without match ammunition.


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