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Carrying Guns At EoT


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So, I may be heading up to EoT. This would be my first time. My question is what do we do about our pistols? I know that they can be carried to the matches but what are the rules about carrying around the other activities and who can carry? I've looked for the rules but can't seem to find any, and thought I'd be pertinent to just ask.

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All guns should be put away after you are done shooting.

Our security will do a sweep thru town, after the last shooters are done, and if you are carring and there is drinking going on you will be asked to put your guns up.

As we all know guns and drinking don't mix.

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To further clarify what Fancy Free said. EOT is a COLD RANGE. You may carry pistols unloaded and long guns, action open during shooting hours if you are a registered shooter or a conventioneer All firearms are to be put away after town closes at 5:00 PM each day. IF you are entered in one of the costume contest which sometimes run after 5:00 PM, we will make special arrangements if firearms are required as part of your costume.




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Alright, Just didn't know. Thanks

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