I’ve had my generator on since about 5:00 this morning and other than a bad breaker in a sub panel everything has gone well. A while back I posted about the refrigerator light not working and using those little disk lights that sense movement and light up as a replacement. The refrigerator repair people want anywhere from $800.00 to $1,100.00 to replace a board that they believe is the problem but they won’t guarantee that the board will fix the problem, so the little lights will have to do. I just discovered that the built in refrigerator lights come on every time when the generator is running. I just opened and closed the door about 20 times and they came on each time. Be interesting to see if they work when the power comes back on Friday night. Stay tuned.
The power was just restored and the lights don’t light up on SDGE power like they did on the generator power.