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I'M EXTENDING MY SYMPATHIES ... to my wife. I have no idea why -- honest Engine, I got no idea a'tall -- but she stood beside me 28 years ago and said "I Do" and we became man and wife, and ever since, we've been just as happy as if we had good since. Well, mostly ... there's the time the basement flooded, and there's the time this-yere deer decided to commit suicide by running out in front of the wife's little blue Nissan pickup when she was coming home from work, four years ago the 17th she hit the floor dying (the fourth time in our married life being hitched to an old veteran paramedic kept her alive) ... those weren't terribly happy moments, but we got through 'em. I'll leave it to wiser heads than mine to decide whether keeping company with the likes of me, for that many years, constitutes Prima Facie Evidence of Insanity, Stupidity or the Soft Head! (Hey, she's got to have a gear loose somewhere just to put up with me! The guys at work called me a commodion, they said I'm so full of it I need flushed!) (They're right!) Yes we got married on Halloween, and that's gotten us a few funny looks, and we've admitted frankly no, we're not dancing naked around a bubbling cauldron, we don't follow the Old Ways ... truth be told, we got married on Halloween because it was the only day we'd both have off together in the next three months, so we found a Parson that would perform the service, we got all dressed up and 'twas just the three of us on a lovely sunny day when we became Mr. and Mrs. So there you have it. I'm taking her out for a good steak dinner tomorrow by way of apology and to display my sympathy for having to put up with me all these years. Ya gotta feel sorry for her, somehow ... Linn