Illowa Irregulars held the first of three Buffalo Shoot matches Saturday, May 18th. I recorded a few short video clips along with a few pictures and put together the attached video for anyone interested in seeing what a Buffalo Shoot looks like.
We have two more Buffalo Shoots scheduled this year. One on Sunday, July 28 and another on Saturday, October 19. Click here for more information. If you are interested in coming, click on the Buffalo Shooting link on the top menu to register in advance or email us.
The video also includes a few minutes of our Sunday Cowboy match. This particular cowboy match included a long-range option (a third set of targets set out to 60' or so). Most participants shot the regular targets set at about 12' to 15' for pistols and 30' for rifles. The long-range options shot pistols and the 30' rifle targets and rifles at the 60' targets. We also invited several regional NCOWS shooters to join us. In fact, I happened to be on that posse which was comprised of all black powder shooters shooting the long-range targets so all the video I was able to get was from this posse.