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Badger Mountain Charlie SASS #43172

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Everything posted by Badger Mountain Charlie SASS #43172

  1. 71 Fahrenheit and sunny today! Don't you just hate a smart a$$. Today was a repeat. Ho hum.
  2. MY WORD! They are like PIRANHAS!!!!! Thanks for the warning Joe.
  3. I thought Photoshop was off the scale, but now there is a commercial on TV for women to air brush their face with cosmetics. I suppose hubby could borrow it for a little pinstriping too.
  4. HAHA, the whole world is unbelievable, Alpo.
  5. As Will Rogers said: "There are two ways to deal with a woman; but neither one works".
  6. No, Pigeon or Duck, that is the question.
  7. There was a big fight at the FISH AND CHIP restaurant last night. Battered Cod all over the place!
  8. Three above the shoulders, Wallaby.
  9. It has been a looooong hard winter.
  10. Charlie, I just read a post on the CMP forum, about my inquiry about DEM 43 ammo for the Garand. 

    Poster stated that the CMP had issued cans that had been re-packaged in 1960.

    Originally the rounds were issued in stripper clips and bandoleers. 

    They repackaged them in loose cans in 1960.

    Rounds are corrosive being that they were made before 1952 and WW II rounds. 

    Poster said he had two cans, shot half of one and still had one sealed. 

    So I guess it is ok to shoot but must be cleaned and treated as corrosive. 

    1. Charlie Whiskers

      Charlie Whiskers


        I have about 300 rounds of ball ammo that I've had for years. It's been quite a while since I dug out the Garand's. I spend more time shooting my cowboy guns.

        When I do want to burn up some military ammo, I haul the M1A out and go through a hundred or so of that. I bought 750 rounds of British Berdan primed ammo that shoots pretty darn good for $239. And I traded a barrel for a Remington 1187 my uncle had for another 500+ rounds of several brands of 308. I keep meaning to take the M1's out and burn up some rounds but it seems every time I think I can do it something comes up on a new "honey do list".

        Neither of the M1's are CMP rifles. The Springfield one I bought at a gun shop when I was on a trip to Vegas. The other is a composite built one with a Danish or Norway built barrel....I forget which. It shoots better than the Springfield with ball ammo. I bought that one from SOG international in 2000.


      Thanks for the info though,



  11. Pat, contact Patrick Reagan @ Badman Bullets. That is where I get mine. 

    He is in Lebanon, Oregon. 

    Patrick@badmanbullets.com  or 541 409 5047



  12. 21/3 Halftime. Some big money has been lost already and we still have another half to go.
  13. Well, Happy Birfday, Darlin'. Hope you have a wonderful day.
  14. You or the B 1 ED: Sorry Lumpy, you beat me to it.
  15. I will probably watch the game, but the halftime will the paint drying on the wall.
  16. Sell the truck and buy a Mini Cooper.
  17. This month's American Rifleman came the other day. I had been lazy about reading it. I picked it up this morning and on page 24, Mr. William Day, of Maryland had an interesting article about his Grandfather, who served with Co. D, 182 Infantry Regiment. Getting past the ugly picture on the front is the challenge. Seems he was issued an 03 for his first patrol, but acquired a Garand as soon as he returned to his lines. Kind of a thumbnail picture of 1942.
  18. Do they have a parachute? With all that silk, they should have a parachute.
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