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Badger Mountain Charlie SASS #43172

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Everything posted by Badger Mountain Charlie SASS #43172

  1. She doesn't look like a snowflake to me.
  2. So much for RAPID FIRE.
  3. It was out of season, By rut he was looooong gone.
  4. To take an arrow from Nancy's quiver, I still have options.
  5. Looks good but you left out the hole in the seat.
  6. Whoa Boy Howdy. I ain't touching that one.
  7. That didn't seem to work out so well about 12 years ago here in Washington State. Ask Dino Rossi about it.
  8. I'm sending help. I will call Marvel Comic Books and have them send over some of our heroes. How about that????
  9. Yeah, but that was in the land of OZ. You guys down there OK?
  11. HUH should be larger, maybe, ah well, I donno.
  12. I wondered how long it would take for you to react, Pard.
  13. They are experts at stealing hearts, Mark.
  14. CAPTAIN JACKI don't know why his eyes are green, but that is what the camera gave me. Perhaps the flash?
  15. Didn't the Brits play that game somwheres circa 1775?
  16. Why, FRESHWATER , of course. With an 8 wt. flyrod, Shooting head fly line, 15# fluorocarbon 4ft leader, and one of Charlie's Pink Bugger flies , on a size 2 hook. Of course we are fishing the Skykomish for those Reiters Pond Steelhead the WDFW supply us with, or at least did in a former life.
  17. And have a nice day, Pilgrim.
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