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Buckshot Bob

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Everything posted by Buckshot Bob

  1. There’s probably not too many of the “if it fits it ships boxes” that are heavier than a box full of lead
  2. Very seldomly are you ever going to get your money back out of a custom gun . Or car , I know a few people who have stuck 30-60 grand into a classic car, unless you do the work yourself there’s a good chance you lose money. And even then you could have been earning $$ with the hours you put in, so you’re still probably technically losing money. Almost everything custom is a money pit. Unless you’re famous, famous people seem to be able to do quite good on their collectibles . Heck a factory English “best gun” costs more than my first house I enjoy watching videos like this and Jay Lenno’s garage because I can see things I know I will never be able to afford. Unless I win the lottery, there’s always a chance
  3. It’s a new YouTube channel, hopefully YouTube doesn’t shut them down
  4. I just got a email from buds yesterday, they had both bbl lengths in stock. It’s the first time I’ve seen new Chiappa 87s for sale since the start of the plandemic
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