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Buckshot Bob

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Everything posted by Buckshot Bob

  1. It’s been awhile since I’ve seen the movie but didn’t he bring a teddy bear for his daughter for Christmas?
  2. It just gave the police a reason to arrest him and continue digging. One explanation I heard was he was upset because he just turned 26 and was thrown off his parent’s medical insurance. If so I guess he’s just another entitled brat that blames everyone else for his problems. It is sick how the progressives are trying to justify this murder . I did hear that the McDonald’s employee who turned him in will get a 60,000 reward if he’s convinced, so good for him
  3. There’s allot of hate for CEO’s in general, but someone’s got to be in charge. When you’re the CEO of the health insurance company with the most denied claims in the country it’s much easier for many people to have little sympathy. Hate the game not the player. For how educated the murderer is he sure doesn’t seem to be very smart having been caught with the murder weapon and a manifesto while eating his big mack . And that’s causing the conspiracy theorists to claim something is rotten in Denmark
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