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Status Replies posted by MizPete

  1. Don't give up!


    Fast Eddie wants as much feedback as possible and he does consider input very important.  So he may very well decide to do the 5 and 5 as we have done in the past, but as you can tell it is a balancing act.


    And thanks for the offer to help with the scoring.  We can always use more help, especially as many of us are not what we once were.


    Sorry Petey did n't have his usual match.  I always enjoy shooting with him as he has been one of my hero's in the sport.

    1. MizPete


      Still had a great time!

  2. Okay, What’s the Ladies only thing??

    1. MizPete


      I think it's a shooting clinic 2b held on Thursday after shooting.

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

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