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Frederick Jackson Turner

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    Cajon Cowboys/Northfield Raiders

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    California, until I can get out...
  • Interests
    Cowboy/Music/Political Science/motorcycles/baseball

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  1. Unless the price is stupid - which you indicate it is not - get 'em. Cheers, FJT
  2. I would encourage you, and anyone getting into this sport, to begin reloading as a cost-saving measure. Money saved = more ammo = more shooting = more fun! That said, while the price ain't too daunting, 158 gr at 895 is a good deal hotter than you need for this game. Cheers, FJT
  3. Sadly; YES! The roads in California - possessor of the FIFTH largest economy on earth, if the governor is to be believed - are among the worst is the US. They are unbelievably bad. I keep the Scrambler for the 210 freeway, and trips into Hollywood. Sadly true, FJT
  4. I am paring down my collection at last. But I may need to keep the Scrambler...
  5. I'm SOOOO going to use that, and I always quote my sources... Cheers, FJT
  6. Quite a lot; I expect about twenty. And several other nations, as well! Cheers, FJT
  7. Given the difficulties of ensuring accurate scoring across a wide variety of variables, especially when facades and cross stage recording are factored in, this quote makes an awful lot of sense to me... Cheers, FJT
  8. I haven't been out to Bordertown in a few years, but it was great to be back. there's simply no match in the world like it, and as Sassy D made clear at the Shooter's meeting, We set out to create a match where any shooter can finish a stage, go the unloading table, and say, "I just had the best stage I ever shot!" Cheers, FJT
  9. Congrats and welcome aboard! Great alias, BTW. Cheers, FJT
  10. Absolutely correct, and a worthy and necessary addition to this thread. Cheers, A wiser FJT
  11. Gravitational gusts. This, coupled with the Coriolis Effect, compounded by the fact that the earth is rotating at 1,038 mph at the equator, can easily lead to target acquisition and subsequent projectile impact difficulties. Now, because that speed changes as you draw closer to the poles, you are more likely to miss, depending on the latitude in which you are most accustomed to shooting. If, for example, you shoot regularly in Quito, Ecuador, and you transition to a shooting match in, say, Utqiaġvik, Alaska, where the rotational speed is far less, your point of impact is just going to be all over the place, compared to what you're used to shooting. Always glad to help, FJT -The Professor
  12. .38 is more economical. It is not necessarily more fun. And, you can always buy a new firearm if whatever you get doesn't float your particular cowboy boat! ;-) FJT
  13. For navigating stage props, windows and doorways, you might find 20 or 18.5 inch barrels a bit more convenient. Given the modest distances at which rifles and carbines are generally employed in this sport, that barrel length tends to make the most sense. Cheers, FJT
  14. As a member of the kilt wearing community, I know that it is possible to ascertain, with some accuracy, the velocity of a projectile fired below the kilt, between the legs, and above terra firma. You're still good to go. Cheers, FJT
  15. This is always a great match, and the peripheral hijinks are some of the most enjoyable in all of SASS. checking gas prices... Cheers, FJT
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