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Fireball #7709 Life

Territorial Governors
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Status Updates posted by Fireball #7709 Life

  1. I resent the email. It has my address for sending the funds for the stag grips you said you'd take. I haven't heard from you and wanted to know if you sent payment? Thanks, Fireball

  2. Howdy GT,

    I sent ya an email as PM's weren't and still aren't going through, but I haven't heard from you. Did you get it? Have you sent the funds?

    Thanks, Fireball

  3. We played a little different game...luckily back then the police still had a sense of humor, so when they caught us in public, shooting or sniping each other(sometimes with a date, trying explaining that!) we simply got a smirk and "uh, you probably shouldn't do that". Trying carrying a PGP concealed 24/7....

  4. Howdy Jake! Its amazing how time flies, doesn't seem that long ago my buddies and i were chasing each other around with those PGP's!

  5. What? No comments? You ain't skeert, are ya? I know ya wanna...LOL

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