Got me started with what? My love of guns would be my grandpa. We'd visit them 2 or 3 times a year and he had an end table chock full of old NRA magazines. My parents would let me pick a couple every visit to take home (the limiting factor was my parents, grandpa woulda let me take em all). I read them cover to cover over and over again. 2 of them even had articles about (what I think were) the first 2 end of trails.
Shooting would be my brother in law. I'd been shooting with my dad, but it was limited to sighting in and hunting. My brother in law had me plinking for fun.
SASS would be my wife's dad who I never met. He left her a bunch of guns when he passed, and once we were married and settled in the mother in law called us up and told us to come get the guns out of her house. Amongst the guns was a colt peacemaker made in 1877. It was in pieces when I found it and I actually thought it was a broken toy at first. Once I took a good look at it and decided to get it fixed, I was naturally lead into the tender arms of SASS.
Now, through the years I'd had some exposure to SASS. Aside from the old NRA magazines, in Austin a SASS club started showing up at the gun shows. I had lots a of questions and they confused me greatly at first. I also had a friend who did cowboy shooting before SASS was the big thing. So when I was researching the sixgun and being led to SASS, I already kinda knew who you guys were and was finally ready to join up.