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Dutch Cassidy SASS 5252

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Status Replies posted by Dutch Cassidy SASS 5252

  1. Dutch: 

    My information: Michael D. Cory...2904 BRALORNE Ct

    Bakersfield, California 93309-8877. I'll be needing your

    address also. Your personnel check ($225.00) works just

    fine for me. Shipping USPS I'll pm tracking info when shipped.

    It's packaged up and ready to go Dutch.

    Happy trails

    QDG/Mike 10/13/22

    1. Dutch Cassidy SASS 5252

      Dutch Cassidy SASS 5252

      Again, there was no PM notification. I stumbled onto this. I sent an email yesterday.  The check is in the mail.

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  2. Dutch: 

    My information: Michael D. Cory...2904 BRALORNE Ct

    Bakersfield, California 93309-8877. I'll be needing your

    address also. Your personnel check ($225.00) works just

    fine for me. Shipping USPS I'll pm tracking info when shipped.

    It's packaged up and ready to go Dutch.

    Happy trails

    QDG/Mike 10/13/22

    1. Dutch Cassidy SASS 5252

      Dutch Cassidy SASS 5252

      Charley Vanderhyde

      35 Benjamin St.

      Wading River, NY 11792


      PS I never received a notification re this PM.

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  3. Dutch, I received your check today. Thank you.  I also called USPS Tracking #1-800-222-1811 and keyed in the tracking #9505 5129 7197 1167 3679 33.  I got a message that delivery was attempted today June 19th, 2021 at 1:59 and was advised "Could Not Access Delivery Location" for Wading River, NY Zip 11792.  You may want to check with your post office. 


    Clayton Todd aka Sandhills Slim

  4. Dutch, I received your check today. Thank you.  I also called USPS Tracking #1-800-222-1811 and keyed in the tracking #9505 5129 7197 1167 3679 33.  I got a message that delivery was attempted today June 19th, 2021 at 1:59 and was advised "Could Not Access Delivery Location" for Wading River, NY Zip 11792.  You may want to check with your post office. 


    Clayton Todd aka Sandhills Slim

    1. Dutch Cassidy SASS 5252

      Dutch Cassidy SASS 5252

      Thanks. Total BS, I was home.
      USPS has gone waaaay down hill in the last 2-3 years.

    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

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