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Tyrel Cody

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Posts posted by Tyrel Cody

  1. I am currently in this situation. He has an account with the rental company set up to automatically take it out of HIS checking account. We have occasionally had to pitch in and help and when we do we cut him a check to deposit in HIS checking account. Not exactly the same but if he were writing a check every month we would handle it the same; HE would write them a check out of HIS account. 


  2. 4 hours ago, Captain Bill Burt said:

    Wouldn't you know!  We're now up to 57 and only need one more Frontier Cartridge to fill that category.  


    Where are the smoky shooters and the ones who don't know what sights are for?

    sights? What is this word of which you speak?



    • Haha 3
  3. That was completely obnoxious.


    The video I mean. Do we really need the minute long “Delete Me” commercial at the beginning or the rest of self promotion bs in the rest of it? 

    As to the idiot in the Mercedes? Yeah, not a great idea to stop in front of my truck. I’d immediately go around when he got out of his car and proceed to the nearest police station.

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  4. 9 hours ago, Eyesa Horg said:

    My question is.... Is there a precise spot the hole needs to be drilled. Pettifogger's article doesn't really say. I presume just below the grip frame screw hole??? Thanks.


    Scroll down and look at tuning the Pietta Part Two, shows how to measure for it so should apply to Ubertis as well.



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    • Thanks 1
  5. 2 hours ago, Misty Moonshine said:

    It may be time to start restricting access to the SASS Wire Forums to active SASS MEMBERS ONLY




    Is the Forum Software connected to a Membership Database now, making it easy to restrict to active SASS members?

    I’ve long thought the Classified should be locked down in this manner(could help prevent scammers if hidden from public view).  My opinion only active members should be able to post For Sale or Want To Buy Ads. 

    The Saloon should probably have been hidden from the public a long time ago as well.


    As to the Main SASS Wire it would be good(my opinion) to allow guests to post questions there and learn things from. Perhaps the forum software could restrict posting pictures by “guests”. 


  6. 39 minutes ago, T-Square said:

    Capt Bill - will you publish the list of categories when you have them set?  I think you said we have enough shooters for Frontiersmen, but I got lost in the thread above regarding FCGF and Frontiersmen Gunfighter.....  I'm not asking for the list of shooters - so you don't have Gamers switching categories.

    I've registered for the Paradise Pass Fire & Brimstone - and they have Pale Rider Gunfighter !  What a great way to burn a lot of real black powder !
     I hope our weather gets better soon, I need to get out and start practicing ! 


    And what do you think about starting a thread for shooters to list which matches they plan to shoot?  Minimum of three, right?!


    we should have enough for Frontiersman. Not going to do Frontiersman Gunfighter though. 

    I’m registered as Frontiersman at Mississippi State and South Carolina State; about to send it in for TN State. 


    • Like 1
  7. 19 minutes ago, Shawnee Hills said:

    Seems like the below made it pretty clear and easy.  I suspect folks simply saw the title of the post and went to the web page despite there being a direct link provided.  No process will ever be perfect because humans aren't perfect.  For all intents and purposes, registration for the match seems to go pretty smoothly.


    Well not everyone visits the SASS Wire, so his point is somewhat valid, a link on the LR Site would have been helpful. 

    That said I still prefer to register and pay online even if there are small hiccups; I despise mailing an app in and wondering if it got there.  


    • Thanks 1
  8. I’ve always like the North Carolina side of the Smokies and especially from Cherokee down to Murphy. Quiet, secluded, just like the whole area for any number of reasons.

    Like I said though we’ll stay in Tennessee mainly because of no income taxes. 

    The main reasons we’re going to Southeast Tennessee: 

    3-4 hours away from family. Close to friends. Close to the mountains. Plenty of lakes. Plenty of cowboy clubs. No income taxes. 


    I drove through there(Sweetwater down to Murphy) a couple years ago and just really fell in love with that area. I took my wife down through there and she did too. So we found a place on the Little Tennessee river(part of Tellico Lake) and bought it.  

    I personally like the whole triangle from Knoxville over to Asheville and back around south to Chattanooga. Been camping on the Ocoee a lot which starts over towards Murphy. Beautiful Country. I guess the Southern Appalachians have some kind of drawing power on me, lol.




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  9. Check out the area around Murphy, NC. I have some friends that live just over the border in Georgia and if I were going anywhere besides Tennessee that’s where it’d be.

    Actually we bought property not too far from there (Madisonville, TN/Tellico Lake) with the intent to move after my daughter gets out of high school next year.



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  10. 21 minutes ago, Garrison Joe, SASS #60708 said:

    So, is it better to serve the 800 or so shooters, or a staff person running the match?

    The EOT I attended was online registration and not a big deal. Registering for Land Run today was not a big deal once I had the correct link. 

    Given the choice I’ll register online and pay with a credit card EVERY time. 


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