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Goatneck Clem

Territorial Governors
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    Comanche Valley Vigilantes & Lone Star Frontier Shooting Club, Texas, Dooley Gang

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  • Gender
  • Location
    Haslet, Texas
  • Interests
    Good Cattle , Ranch Horses, Colt Pistols and Harley's

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  1. Hi Don Jorge


    Give me a call today Sunday the 12-9-18 I have your Model 12 ready.  You did not leave a phone number in the letter you wrote with the shotgun.  Could not call, it has been ready for over 2 weeks.



    817 247-9982

    1. Don Jorge

      Don Jorge

      Sorry I left it out of the letter.

      My number is 217-725-6153.

      Give me a call anytime.


      Don Jorge

  2. You are in trouble now :D:D


    Now we all want to hear your program.


    Can i give you a call?

  3. GW


    I am a buyer on your Winchester 63 at $400 if that will work for you



  4. Happy Jack


    Sent you several PM's.  Smokin Iron before he was removed from his position.  Posted on the Wild Bunch Match section a one day 8 Stage Wild Bunch State Championship.  As you know to hold a State or higher sanctioned  match it has to be at least 10 stages.  Go look at the post.  This needs to be addressed.



  5. Hi Goatneck,

    Sedalia Dave told me that you are an experienced gunsmith that can do a good job on my Stoeger, or that you might be able to recommend someone trustworthy closer to me (Michigan). Its never been worked on, and is so difficult to break after a few shots that in my last match I took a max time on an otherwise clean stage because neither myself nor the RO could get it to break.


    We have smiths up here I could go to, but there's no way of knowing if they know what they're doing.


    If you can help me, tell me how to get the gun to you, and what you think should be done with approximate cost. You can also call me at 313 300-7103 if that would be easier. Any help you can give me will be deeply appreciated.

    Amarillo Phil

    1. Goatneck Clem

      Goatneck Clem

      Howdy Phil


      It sounds like you need a complete Action Job on your Stoeger shotgun.  I do Custom Action Jobs on the Stoegers.  Give me a call and we can visit



      817 247-9982


  6. That issue can be corrected Goatneck
  7. Mike sent you a PM
  8. Hey Travis I use Dave Manson Precision Reamers, They carry what you are looking for, just bought 28ga & ,410ga reamers from them last month 810 953-0732 mansonreamers.com Goatneck
  9. Outrider Outlaw sent you a PM. I Have Federal SP Primers
  10. Hey T Bone Put me on the list will mail check in the next day or so. Hopefully I wont be in the Hospital like this year, Goatneck
  11. My son Capt Sam Evans and I shoot Colts. We use 5 1/2" Second Gen 38 Specials. I have a vault full of Colt SAA's that are my personal guns. I am using Colts that I did action jobs on in the late 90's for CAS and they are still running. I have not had to replace any parts or springs. I have Custom Springs made for all the work and action jobs I do on Colt SAA's. I keep a large supply of colt parts in inventory for customer guns. Also I keep at least 6 to10 2nd Gen Colts on hand for sale. The earlier post referencing a shortage of Colt parts, I have always sourced all the parts I need for over 25 years with no shortage at all in the market place Goatneck
  12. Hi Goatneck -

    Similar to some other contacts you've had...I'm looking for a solid, hammerless, single trigger 12 ga double that won't need a lot of work out of the box....and that won't break the bank. This is for my daughter who needs a shorter stock. I own a Stoeger single trigger that I share with my daughter and it works OK, but I sense this won't last too much lon...

  13. Hi Gloatneck,

    I was told by another member in our club you are the guy to ask about a double for my wife. I want to buy a one for her. Can you give me a call some time. Rifleman Daniel 541-312-3370 email jim@jimdaniel.net

  14. Hi Gloatneck,

    I was told by another member in our club you are the guy to ask about a double for my wife. I want to buy a one for her. Can you give me a call some time. Rifleman Daniel 541-312-3370 email jim@jimdaniel.net

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