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Rooster Ron Wayne

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Posts posted by Rooster Ron Wayne

  1. Wow blast from the past .

    I do things different all the time .

    One time I will shoot with my 51's in cap & ball in a cross draw with my Henry 1860 and a single shot 12g.

    The next time I will use my Cimarron 1873's with a 73 Rifle and a SXS 12g .

    Then shoot some Blackhawks and a 92 with a 97 pump .

    I never know what I'm going to show up with till I load up my truck that morning. 


    • Like 1
  2. 8 hours ago, El Chapo said:


    That's a really nice looking ride.


    Is the joke about Shovelheads true, about be worried if they're not leaking, because they're out of oil?

    Not if they are put together correctly :unsure:

    What most people don't understand is you have Cast Iron cylinders and Aluminum heads and cases. 

    So the heat and expansion is different. 

    So you MUST allow the engine to warm up before you take off for a ride .

    I would dare to ride my Shovelhead anywhere with out worry .

    But all Shovelheads are not taken care of like mine lol :D

    • Like 1
  3. 10 hours ago, bgavin said:

    My most comfortable ride was a '76 shovelhead.
    The last one was a 2008 Sportster.
    The shovelhead was more comfy to ride.



    They all are more comfy when we was younger lol

    • Like 1
    • Haha 1
  4. This is my One owner 1977 FLHS .

    This is the bike that latter in life becomes the Roadking .

    I'm the second caretaker of her in her lifetime. 

    I bought her from Jim the original owner who bought her new & rode her for 40 years .

    I gave him twice what he bought her for new .

    Love this old girl .

    She is my Sunday ride around the lake bike .

    Some of you may remember I was almost killed on my 1979 FLH in 2016 and got broken up bad.

    This is the replacement bike for that bike that got destroyed in the crash .


    • Like 5
    • Thanks 1
  5. 5 hours ago, bgavin said:

    The springer is a nice touch on a modern engine.

    It's a 2006 factory (HD) Built 1947 Pan Clone .

    Last Year HD made a Springer Softail .

    • Thanks 1
  6. 1 hour ago, Abilene Slim SASS 81783 said:

    Wouldn’t those handlebar streamers whip the snot out of the rider at street or highway speeds? Even worse with a cross wind?

    Nope .

    They just fly out in the wind .


    • Like 1
  7. On 6/5/2018 at 7:33 AM, polishcappers said:

    Dear Ron, you are great. After few attempts you finally managed it and you successfully payed by credit card. First two transactions ware rejected and third one passed through. Please inform us and other users what happened and how you manage it. This is important because we had several cases in the past that our customers try to pay using credit cards and after rejection they resign or reorder using PayPal. You manage it and you solved this issue, please give the hint for the future our customers how to do it smoothly, what you did?


    thanks a lot, we will send your capper today,

    God Bless You,




    I just called my Credit Card company and told them Im trying to buy something out of the Country and they need to stop blocking the transaction. 

    Then bang ! 

    Done deal .

    Thank you.

    God bless


  8. 5 hours ago, polishcappers said:

    Hello Ron, 

    Thank you for your order. The price for our PCC capper is equal for everyone world-wide and is 185 PLN (Polish Zloty). The delivery cost via registered letter is equal for everyone world-wide and is 15 PLN (Polish Zloty). This is fair play solution and the final price for you depends on the current currency rate between your (USD and our PLN) in the moment you pay for your order. 

    You chose credit card payments. So when you will finish your transaction and when you will pay the system will convert the price to USD so in fact you will be charged in USD after conversion and we will received the amount in PLN minus the provision from the transaction operator.

    The same is when someone will use PayPal instead of credit card. the only difference for us is 3x bigger provision we pay for this transaction.


    So Ron, as soon as you will finish your transaction and you will pay fot it we will send you your ordered capper. 


    You do not need to reorder, you already received the order confirmation with the link to payment.


    PS. The same rules of payments are for people from EU (they pay in Euro) or from other parts of the world.


    We charge only 15 PLN for delivery (equal price regardless where you are living) in fact this is much below the real value but we decided to make it fair for everyone. 


    So you can check current price in your currency using the cash converter or just ask your bank what amount in your currency they want to charge you when you buy from us for 200PLN as Total. Remember the price is fixed in PLN and vary day to day in your currency depending on the daily exchange rate.


    best regards,



    Polish Cappers

    OK .

    I paid it this morning .

    Visa was blocking the Transaction but we got it done .

    Thank you .

    God bless.




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