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Rooster Ron Wayne

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Posts posted by Rooster Ron Wayne

  1. your 87 will (should) like the cut down shells.. My China 87's seem to do better with them.. Ran regular crimps fine, just seem to work a touch better with the roll.

    Have been shooting 87 for bout 10 yrs both black and smokeless.

    And yes, run them hard. I shoot from the hip with mine. Have fun with it



    Is your 87 stock ?

    Or who did you have work on it ?

  2. your 87 will (should) like the cut down shells.. My China 87's seem to do better with them.. Ran regular crimps fine, just seem to work a touch better with the roll.

    Have been shooting 87 for bout 10 yrs both black and smokeless.

    And yes, run them hard. I shoot from the hip with mine. Have fun with it



    Im going to try both .

    But I think the shorter shell with the roll crimp,

    Will make things go a little smoother.


    I cant wait till Im back on my feet .

    So I can get back out and play !

  3. Yup-

    Make sure you keep the 2 carrier pivot screws 'TITE'



    OK thank you .

    What about loading a shorter shell .

    Like a 2 3/4 trimmed to shells fully open to 2 3/4 .

    And put a roll crimp on them .

    This should prevent the shell from being to long after they are fired ?

  4. For me I found when I load 44/40 .

    I use a Lee factory crimp die .

    This stops me from crushing the cases .


    Some can crimp on the same seating die.

    But it takes more time to set up right and get the feel right.

    If you just seat with the one die and use the Lee factory crimp die to do your crimp

    It will work great

  5. I just recently bought me a 1887 shotgun .

    Im not a fast shooter by any means .

    I bought it because I like the style of it .


    CAS is my peace of mind from the bussy life I have .

    I dont take any of it seriously .

    And love shooting with all the great shootes we have here in Michigan.


    Im a dark side shooter

    Just looking for some pointers to make things more fun

    and less stressful with this shotgun :-)

  6. I have three 92s that I would never sell .

    I have one Marlin and have bought and sold several.

    I would take a 92 over a Marlin every time .

    But to each there own .

    By the way John Wayne carried a 92 in most all his Westerns .

    Just Saying 🙄

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