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Rooster Ron Wayne

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Posts posted by Rooster Ron Wayne

  1. There once was a Man named St. Nick .


    He was a giving man who's heart was full of joy.

    He said every girl and boy deserves a new Toy .


    He set out to make the Christmas season full of fun.

    For every child and everyone.

  2. Well, I finally got my Rossi 92. It's got the 24" octagon barrel. It's used but it's in great shape, just as Kid Rich, the Pard I bought it from said it was. Thank you Kid Rich! :-)

    It is smooth. He said it was a little slicked up and I might want to replace the springs but I am gonna shoot it a bit before I do anything with it. Gotta send for Nate Kiowa Jones' video. I will also be getting one of those plugs for that safety. Man, what a hokey design that is.

    It has a flat top rear sight. The jury is out on that for now. I find that I have to search for it when I bring the rifle up as if I am shooting it. It may be just fine but again, I will shoot it a bit first. I may like it.

    I am stoked anout my new rifle.

    Thank you all for your advice and input. I do appreciate it.

    Kindest regards,

    Pat Riot

    Congratulations on your 92 I Love All Three of mine !

    I use FULL Buckhorn sights on mine.

    Kinda like a red dot.

    Just keep both eyes open and just put the front dot on what you want to hit :-)

  3. I use Federal Primers. Winchester Is my 2nd choice. I do use CCI magnum shotgun primer though. They tend to burn a tad hotter and leaves dust instead of plastic goop in the barrels. It's odd that CCI primers are harder than Federal primers. Both are owned by the same company.

    I use CCI only for my hunting guns .

    Never had a failer in 25 years.


    But in my 66 I had 4 round that did not fire with light springs .

    I put them in my stock Rugers and all 4 went bang.


    I love my CCI primers for hunting guns that MUST WORK 100% of the time .

    But they allso have stock springs .


    As far as Fedrial and CCI being ownd by the same company .

    Its dont mean they come down the same line or built in the same plant or have the same hardness .


    That would be like saying Chevy and Saturn are the same.

    Because they was owned by the same company .


    Not the same at all !

  4. In a 92 I would think you could use any 44 mag data .

    Most 44/40 now adays shoot the same bullet .429 or .430

    Not .427


    I have a hard hitting great Mild 44 mag load if you are intrested PM me.

    Should work great on 44/40 .

    Have a Marry Christmas Pard .

  5. I like them both .

    John could not play the parts that Clent did.

    Clint could not play the parts that John did .


    And neither could play Festes !


    So I ask this .

    If a Doctor is doctoring a Doctor .

    Do's the Doctor doctor the Doctor the way the Doctor wants to doctor the Doctor?


    Do's the Doctor doctor the Doctor the way the Doctor wants to be doctored ?

  6. That's funny Widder. I remember when I got my Marlin Cowboy Comp people still said "Ya need a '73" or "Ya need a '66".


    Well, I pick up my '92 today...I am sure I will hear about that from some well meaning Pard.

    I have a 73 and a 66 and a 60 .

    Love all three of them .

    But I always seem to go back to my 92's .

    Lighter and just as smooth .


    Kinda funny how everyone has a Opinion,

    With out ever owning a pictorial firearm.

    I have owned them all , Still have one or more of each one.

    And still keep going back to my 92's .


    Im not about speed and never will be as fast as I could be.

    I have no intrested in practice and dry fire.

    I shoot Cowboy to play with the guns I love.

    And to have fun with like minded people.


    The 92 will do all I need her to do,

    And more !


    But I will say.

    The 73 is alot easer to clean out BP fouling then the 92 !

    • Like 1
  7. Some light sprins wont set off CCI primers.

    I use CCI exclusively for my hunting rounds.

    Never one miss fire in 25 years.


    I have had CCI primers not go off in my 66 with light springs .

    And same round did go off in my Ruger pistols .


    If you are using stock guns .

    You should have NO issues with CCI Primers.

    • Like 1
  8. I agree with you on Gun Broker but if you want to buy a new one from a distributor or a gun store you can get carbines easily enough but the supply of 20" and 24" rifles is nil.


    A lot of folks won't / don't buy guns at auctions for one reason or another. In my area there are none and there are none at the last 3 gun shows I have been to. Not sure why.

    We have a local dealer hear who has 92s on the shelf all the time.

    I was just in the store this morning.

    They have a 45 , 44mag and a 357 all 20 " setting on the shelf.


    But like I said the new Remlins are pretty good now.

  9. They are not what the gammers use but they work.

    Some need more work then others , but they do work.


    You would be better off buying a used SXS from a pawn shop .

    Or asking around a Cowboy shoot for a used SXS .

    Even a used Stevens 311 or 5100 and cut down ghe barrel if you want it shorter.

  10. Have any of you done a search in new 92's? The supply is dwindling.

    I disagree on that comment.

    I have been to three gun shows in the last month and there was lots of 92s.

    If you go on Gunbrokers there are lots of 92s.


    The real complait should be Not everyone is giving them away anymore.

    They are great guns and with a little spring work .

    They can be made to run pritty very well.


    Before short stroke kits come about for 66s and 73s.

    The best fastest rifles was a 92 and a Marlin.


    Alot of cowboys just hang on to there 92s now.

    Not every one is about speed and most cowboys cant out run the 92 anyways.


    But there is a lot of 92s New out there.

    And the New Marlins are pretty good now also.


    You all have a Marry Christmas now you hear !

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