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Rooster Ron Wayne

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Posts posted by Rooster Ron Wayne

  1. Dawg most of my guns I run stock springs or close to it .

    I do that for the fact of primers. 

    It don't matter what primer I run as far as brand or country it was built in .

    Thay all go bang .

    I never seen any difference with APP , Goex , Unique, Universal, H110 or any thing else I have run .


    Now on the other hand when your building a Precision round and all the cartridges match and you weigh all the bullets and you weigh every single charge the primers can make a difference at long range target shooting.


    God bless 


    • Like 1
  2. 18 hours ago, Shawnee Hills said:

    While we would like to believe that firearm manufactures regard SASS as a major market, the opposite is very likely true.  To be successful in keeping the business running, they need to continually reach as wide of a market as possible and producing a traditional and more modern Lightning catches more than one market.  Their new .44 will certainly be sold to deer hunters looking for a fast gun in the brush.  Yes, the lack of ability to mount a scope may chase a few away but it'll sell.  Heck, I may buy one myself.


    Generally speaking, CAS shooters tend to view the firearm world though a knothole expecting manufacturers to only produce what they're interested in.  The reality is that very few firearm owners are interested in collecting the older or unique firearms and obtaining letters.  The numbers of collectors continues to decrease over time so expecting manufacturers to only offer products that fit this knothole is asking them to eventually go out of business.  Does anyone honestly want that?  I sure hope not.

    Until recently. 

    Very few firearms was purpose built for cowboy action shooting.

    We adopted the firearm for our use and Cowboy gunsmith adapted them to run better and better .

    None of these lever action rifles or single action pistols was designed to run the way we run them .

    I would imagine that the average Cowboy Action Firearms get more rounds threw them then the original guns did in a life time .

    If we think about it .

    They are pretty tough guns to do what we do with them .


    • Like 3
  3. On 2/13/2025 at 2:19 PM, H. K. Uriah, SASS #74619 said:


    .44 Russian:

    I ain't got.

    .44 Special:

    1 Taurus Thunderbolt (Lighting Clone) being configured for me by Lassiter.

    1 reproduction S&W American.  

    2 Colt Sheriff's models, one blue, one nickel

    1 Colt Buntline

    1 Colt New Frontier

    1 Uberti Colt Clone  (Cimarron)

    1 Alder Jager Colt Clone (EMF)



    .44 Magnum

    1 Rossi 92, pre-safety

    1 Winchester 94, pre-83.

    I Uberti Colt Clone

    1 original Great Western

    1 Virginian Dragoon revolver

    1 Chiappa 92 Mares Leg!


    .44 Magnum is a fun caliber to shoot.




    All you need is to buy a Smith shop short Carrier and you have a 44 Russian. 

    You just put it in one of your 44 Special guns .


  4. It's not all that hard to take a 92 apart. 

    It's just a lot more involved then a toggle rifle .

    For years I would take my 92 apart every couple months to clean really good .

    But when I switched to shooting Black Powder full time .

    I switched to using my 66 .

    Obviously easier to clean .

    But once you took apart a 92 two or three times .

    It's not a big deal .

    If your shooting smokeless powder you really only need to do it once a year or  every couple years .

    If your going to shoot BP.

    Buy a 73 or 66 or even a Marlin .

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  5. Years ago I sold a pair of Ruger Vaquero 32H&R Mags And JM Marlin 32 H&R Mag here on the wire as a set .

    All for WAY Way way less then they sell for now lol .

    They are great rifles if you can get your hands on one .


    • Like 1
  6. 2 hours ago, H. K. Uriah, SASS #74619 said:

    With regards to the Pedersoli .44 Magnum, who do they think is gonna buy it?   The Lightning is a niche gun within CAS to begin with, but those of us who like them tend to love one.   I'd greatly enjoy one in .44 Magnum, but this thing?  No.   If it looked just like the .45, I'd be all over one, but like this, hard pass.  

    What's wrong with it?

    1.  Non traditional sights

    2.  Ugly foregrip.
    3.  Modern buttstock just looks goofy.
    4.  Less than 10 round capacity with that 17" bbl.
    5.  Threaded barrel.
    6.  Not a full length magazine

    7.  Tang safety!

    Nope.  None of these features appeal to Cowboy Lightning shooters, which is the natural market for this gun.

    Well, it's designed for hunters!  But, in other forums, I have heard hunters say it's no good due to top eject and inability to properly mount a scope. So, this is a gun that won't appeal to anyone.  I'm sorry to say it, but Pedersoli goofed on this one.

    I'm sure this was not designed with us in mind .

    But I'm also betting they are coming out with a model setup for the Cowboy Action Shooter soon .

  7. I wish I had that Talent. 

    I have tried to find some good Custom Grips for the different models of Uberti S&W No.3 Clones. 

    You can find some decent ones for the Schofield .

    But nothing for any of the other models. 


  8. Mike Brackett @Goonsgunworks.com  

    Has done several Cap Guns for me over the years and even a couple Open Top Colt Cartridge guns .

    Mike has Magic Hands and does amazing work .

    Just remember it's a addiction  ! 

    You can't just have two or four or six lol 

    • Like 1
  9. 2 hours ago, Hoss said:

    I gave 2 Uberti 73s in 38/357 both set up by Brushy Creek Bill. They are very nearly identical. I typically shoot 5 stages with one then one stage with the other, to rotate their usage. I can’t tell the difference between them. 

    I also have a 66 by Brushy. I like the looks of the brsss, but like the ease of side plates and lever safety on the 73. Probably going to bring the 66 to Texas State swap meet. 

    also have a Uberti Henry 1860 in 44-40. Hadn’t shot it in a while. 


    for Cody Dixon

    marlin 336CB in 38-55

    uberti Win 94 in 38-55


    for long range pistol caliber 

    Marlin 94CB in 44 mag

    Browning 92 in 357/38


    For Long range

    Uberti win 76 in 45-60

    browning 86 in 45-70

    uberti 1885 in 38-55

    uberti 1885 in 40-65


    i like shooting them all!  For CAS the 73s are hard to beat. 







    I have one 66 Navy Arms Older 44 special with the same safety as the 73's 

    And one newer Cimarron 66 in 44 special without the safety. 

    I'm slow enough to really not worry about the 66 not having a safety. 


    • Like 1
  10. 200gr home cast Lee slug with 5.0 gr of Unique has always worked for me .

    But then again .


    I load just about everything with ether BP or Unique. 

    Between them two ,

    I can load just about any cartridge in the world .

    Neither one is the best at anything. 

    But both will do just about anything. 



  11. I had a moment of stupidity and sold my main match 92 44 mag that I shot for 10 years .

    It was Slick as snot .

    I very much miss that rifle .

    Bought another one and fixed it up the same way .

    But nothing is better then 10 years of running a rifle every weekend, too smooth things out the best it can be.

    I have just about every rifle or pistol available in 44 Mag 44 special or 44 Russian. 

    I usually buy everything that I can get my hands on in 44.

    I have a beautiful 1970 Marlin 94 in 44 magnum .

    It's my main Hunting rifle .

    My biggest desire is for that Unicorn Henry 1860 44 Special. 

    I don't remember for sure who it was .

    Coffinmaker or one of the other retired gunsmith on the wire has made a few Henry 1860's and or Henry 1860 Transitions in 44 special. 

    But I can't even find one of them out here in Unicorn land lol 



    • Like 1
  12. 4 hours ago, Prairie Dawg, SASS #50329 said:

    1860 Henry Transitional, customized by Coffinmaker.
    Caliber 44-40.

    I have been told over the years about Uberti making a small run of Henry rifles in 44 special .

    I have wanted on for years .

    I found one , One time in Australia for sale on line .

    I was willing to pay him his asking price for it .

    But it was going to cost twice that amount to get it shipped threw Customs.

    And if for any reason they did not like anything about the packaging or the product I would loose the gun in Customs .

    And I was not willing to take that big of chance. 

    But I'm still looking for that Unicorn  !


    • Like 1
  13. What is your favorite rifle to shoot and your backup ?

    Do you have the same rifle as your backup or something different  ?


    When I started SASS I started with the Rossi 92 .

    I had zero complaints with the 92 .

    And there was no way I was going to ever out run it .


    For my first 8 years I shot smokeless powder .

    Then I took a ride on the dark side .

    And we all know once you go black you never go back .


    I have owned a few Marlin's and a few 92s but I never shot or had a 66 or 73 .


    But I used a friend's 66 and fell in love with the 66 for black powder shooting only .

    I loved my 92 but it was kinda painful cleaning up the 92 with BP.


    Then I bought a Henry 1860 and had a lot of fun shooting that with BP and Cap Guns .


    I wanted to try something new every few years just for the fun and challenge of something new .


    Then I bought a 73 and it was fun to run and easier to clean even more easer  then the 66 .


    I ended up buying a Henry Big Boy just because I wanted one .

    I loved my 66 and I loved the Brass look of the Henry .


    I heard all the stories about how bad of a rifle it was for SASS .

    And I took a box stock Henry 44 Big Boy brand bew in the box to a local shoot , Just to see for myself and to say I did it .

    I shot a clean game that day , With a stock out of the box Henry 44 Big Boy with Black Powder .

    With Zero jams or issues. 


    I did not ever use the Henry Big Boy again because wow it's a heavy rifle .


    I have tried  just about everything once or twice over the years .


    I have settled on the 66 in 44 special with the 73 in 44 special as my backup rifle shooting BP.


    I use my 92 with a Marlin 94 as a backup when I shoot smokeless. 


    I am blessed to be-able to own and shoot many different guns and styles. 


    The 92 and the 66 are my favorite go to rifles .


    What's yours ?

    • Like 3
  14. 3 hours ago, Mack Hacker, #60477 said:

    I was just scammed for $710 last month with all contact done over the SASS Wire. Everyone on the wire is not who they claim to be. Be safe out there. The SASS wire community is not as innocent as it used to be.

    If you got ripped off by someone who is actually a member of SASS .

    You should call them out by name on the SASS Wire and With SASS itself  !


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