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Sgt. C.J. Sabre, SASS #46770

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Everything posted by Sgt. C.J. Sabre, SASS #46770

  1. Next thing you'll be saying that .45 Long Colt is incorrect.
  2. The original Vaquero was built on a .44 Magnum frame. The NMV is the same size as a Colt SAA.
  3. Not necessarily a sound bar, but a decent home theater system will let you adjust it to get the best you can from it.
  4. That's funny. But anybody that can't back up a trailer better than that shouldn't be pulling one.
  5. it's still a better Western than most of what Hollywierd has been putting out the last fifteen years or so. They've had a few good ones, "Open Range", "True Grit", and of course, more recently, "Magnificent Seven", but most of them have been crap.
  6. I get that all the time, about the gun holstered on my hip!
  7. And extends the voter registration. And as for " Police recovered 8,300 illegal guns in 2015, a 20 percent from the previous year", ALL guns there are illegal, so....
  8. I've got one. I only carry it when I don't wear a vest; Pocket holster carry. Normally I carry a three inch Taurus 85 with customized boot style grips.
  9. It didn't. http://www.tmz.com/2016/12/28/debbie-reynolds-dead/
  10. Is it scary that I know most of the other songs he mentioned?
  11. Rye, Miss Mary, I bet we could start a whole new "history" thread that would have Miss Allie throw the whole lot of us out!
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