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Sgt. C.J. Sabre, SASS #46770

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Everything posted by Sgt. C.J. Sabre, SASS #46770

  1. And if you don't, I'm not going to tell you!
  2. Wouldn't that be watering the hoses?
  3. Last year I decided to shoot my own turkey for Christmas. Scared the He!! out of everybody in the Walmart.
  4. In other words you're just like the rest of us.
  5. Having the Tea Party SHOWS how manly you are.
  6. I already KNOW that it's me. But they're all too afraid of me to act on it anyway.
  7. I thought it was for a release from Covid lockdown.
  8. And they have plants sticking out the top.
  9. One, because there are no bones in ice cream.
  10. He probably wasn't.
  11. There's a reason they're called sheeple.
  12. They all do except ME!
  13. Because I'm right. I know, not a meme, but worth it.
  14. The Muppet Movie. I wondered if anybody would get it. I know, I know.. not a meme.
  15. My buddy sent me this titled "I See You Got Your New Job".
  16. I was born in Ohio, and my ex-sister is still there! (I know, I know, NOT A MEME!)
  17. The best thing I could do to raise morale at MY work is for me not to be there! That would make EVERYBODY happy.
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