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Sgt. C.J. Sabre, SASS #46770

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Everything posted by Sgt. C.J. Sabre, SASS #46770

  1. Last year I decided that I would shoot my own turkey for Thanksgiving. Nobody else in Walmart was amused.
  2. There's still a chance. Maybe it's an electric RV.
  3. I'm right there with you. Drive what you want, I'll drive what I want. Just leave me alone about it.
  4. Trust me, we NEVER said it within earshot of any of them.
  5. You mean a flat head prybar and a phillips head sheet metal punch. And always remember, "Everything's a hammer."
  6. I just watched a video on Youtube from a guy who took an EV double decker bus on a cross country tour. He had factory people from the bus manufacturer and other industry types both with him and in constant contact for support. It took him about 3 times as long to make the trip, cost MORE than if the bus was diesel powered, and no end of headaches trying to charge the thing to do it. EVs might work for some people, (yes, I'm talking to YOU Subdeacon Joe ), but I can't see owning one.
  7. Not exactly. People who fund "studies" want a certain result, and they hire scientists who can find them that result. I'm not saying that ALL scientists do that, but many do. And true scientists will never come to a consensus. Science is getting a repeatable result from an experiment. Not sometimes it's result "A", sometimes it's result "B", so we'll agree to call it "C".
  8. I've heard that there places that have laws requiring this type of thing.
  9. You need to ask Congress for more funding. You study makes more sense than most of what they fund.
  10. What ever we do, we MUST keep these two as far from each other as possible.
  11. Then next time have a Sgt. plan the op and NOT a Lt.
  12. But prior planning would properly prepare you.
  13. Prior planning prevents piss poor performance rolls off the tongue easier.
  14. It wasn't a last stand weapon. It was something that the Resistance Fighters could use to kill a German Soldier and commendeer his weapons.
  15. It's not the stripe. The car on the left is a Roadrunner, the one on the right is a Superbee.
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