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Sgt. C.J. Sabre, SASS #46770

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Everything posted by Sgt. C.J. Sabre, SASS #46770

  1. You need to either dirty up the new panel, or hose the rest of the door off and apply a coat of the polyurethane to it to make it look newer. Otherwise, it looks great.
  2. Kris, I think that at heart, most of us here are male chauvinist pigs. You need to accept that, and get back up on the pedestal where we place you and all the ladies in our lives.
  3. More like his infamy precedes him.
  4. Alpo, is that you and Worthless?
  5. I'm just following Cypress' lead.
  6. Cypress, quit doggin' Alpo. At least give him a biscuit break.
  7. I'm thinking about it. My knees are shot. the left more than the right. Last time I was at the Doc, she gave me a steroid shot in the left. Felt great for about a week, then wore off. I know a gal at the gym who had stem cell done and it fixed her's completely.
  8. And it would be a good shipping box, (even though you never ship anybody anything).
  9. Alpo, because of you I have to say something I rarely need to, I was wrong. I had completely forgotten about Gibbs being transferred to Pendelton. We watched that episode today, so that clears up what I had thought was a massive continuity error. I'm not wrong often, (I know it sounds like I'm blowing my own horn here, but I try to get things right), but when I am, I make it a point to admit it and thank whoever showed me that I was, so Thank You.
  10. No. He had the house in D.C. that he still lived in when he was at N.C.I.S. He took years before he was able to sleep in his marital bed again. They showed flashbacks of his daughter helping him in the basement. His daughter and her best friend buried a Strawberry Shortcake lunchbox in the backyard with some keepsakes in it. Duckie originally bought that house for him and his mother. He showed Gibbs the house before his mother arrived from England. Duckie's mother hated the house, so Gibbs got the house, though I don't remember if he bought the house from Duckie or what, but he had the house before he married Shannon.
  11. Mike Frank's boots were pretty much done for. The only thing I can think of to repair them would be a leather patch on the inside of the heel and the remnants of the boot sewn to that. But the reality of then is that if that part of the leather was that rotten, the rest of the boot wouldn't be far behind. And based on the story line, those boots would be about 30 years old. Unless Mike took exceptional care of them, they'd be toast. As for the show, I like it so far with one exception. IT SHOULD TAKE PLACE IN THE D.C. AREA!!!
  12. I suppose that you could. You could even cut down two of the factory screws to do the same.
  13. Reminds me of the gals at the gym getting mad that guys are watching them work out in leggings and sports bras. If they didn't want guys looking, they'd be wearing baggy sweat suits.
  14. I saw just the opposite. Purty little gal pulled up in the street, walked back to the dock, and asked if one of US could back the trailer in for her. My boss was MAD, but he did it just because we needed the load. THEN he called HER boss. We never saw her again.
  15. He mentioned it several times in the original stories, and I remember seeing in one movie, (it was years ago, so I don't remember WHICH movie), he had some device "smoking" about two dozen cigarettes at a time with ashtrays to catch the ashes for comparison.
  16. Okay. Look at the screw right under the barrel on the front of the frame. Circled in red. Instead of the spring loaded pin we're used to, it has a screw that holds the cylinder pin. That's what makes it a Black Powder Frame. The standard screw is smaller than the one shown, and the head sits pretty much flush with the frame. The bottom picture shows the standard screw. Of course, being an SAA screw, you don't want to use a regular screwdriver on it. so unless you want to carry a Gun screwdriver, hollow ground, you can't tighten that screw. The larger, knurled head screw shown here is what I now have, so that I can tighten that screw by hand.
  17. I'd bet that they used cartridge conversions for shooting scenes. They did so in "Josey Wales", too. But the picture Alpo posted of the boxed set clearly shoe nipples on the cylinders.
  18. I haven't worked on it yet, but after a 50 round range session, the screw was a bit loose, but not to a point that it would fall out, I just want the screw with the bigger head so that I can occasionally snug it up. I'll look into dressing it though. Thanks for that. My thought exactly. After shooting my guns, I clean them, which pretty much requires removal of the cylinder pin and the cylinder itself. Loctite would make that more difficult than I would like, though I HAVE considered a drop of clear nail polish to hold it in. That holds a screw in place, but is easy enough to remove when needed. Since I got the screws, I'll try them first.
  19. I'd just like to give a shout out to one Sarah Hennessey at Cimarron Firearms. I have a couple of their pistols with the black powder frame that uses a screw in the front of the frame to secure the cylinder pin. The screws in those guns are a small screw requiring a specific screwdriver to keep tightened during an extended range session. When new, the guns also come with a second screw with a larger, knurled head that can be hand tightened, but since I had got my guns used, they didn't have them. I wanted them, but the usual places, (Numrich, Brownells, Midway) don't have even a listing for them. So I contacted Cimarron directly. Sarah responded and told me that they stocked them and that I could order them through her. I did so, but when they showed up, they were the smaller screws that I already have. I emailed her again explaining the problem. She promptly shipped two of the correct screws at no further charge, telling me to just keep the others.
  20. Better than that... (The Center Square) – Republicans in the U.S. Senate and House introduced the Constitutional Concealed Carry Reciprocity Act, which President-elect Donald Trump has said he will sign. U.S. Sens. John Cornyn and Ted Cruz, both Republicans from Texas, Thom Tillis, R-NC, and Chuck Grassley, R-IA, filed the bill in the U.S. Senate, joined by 40 cosponsors. U.S. Reps Richard Hudson, R-NC, and Nathaniel Moran, R-TX, filed the companion bill in the House, which has more than 120 cosponsors. Full article here: https://www.thecentersquare.com/national/article_9c276c0e-d375-11ef-847d-1fd27706c1b0.html
  21. Appears that one is a Walker, (top), and one is a Dragoon, (bottom). Actually, the top pistol looks like a Dragoon with a Walker gripframe on it. Compare the two with this pic from a Guns Magazine article:
  22. Almost every time a character throws a gun, or hit someone on the head, it's a rubber gun.
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