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Sgt. C.J. Sabre, SASS #46770

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Everything posted by Sgt. C.J. Sabre, SASS #46770

  1. I thought a balanced diet meant a beer in each hand.
  2. I was at a Mine Safety Training one time where they showed a video of a guy over in India that was going to ride up on top of a train. He stood up and grabbed the electric power line. There was a "ZZZT!", a puff of smoke and he just collapsed, DRT. It used to be available on youtube, but I don't know if it still is.
  3. There was a period of time about 20 years ago, that if I worked 13 hours overtime in a pay period, I took home less than if I worked 12 hours over time.
  4. The gloves would've fit then if they weren't soaked in dried blood.
  5. Not quite. If he were a Navy Chief, or a Marine Staff NCO, he would only be using one hand to hold the coffee. The other hand would have a cigarette in it.
  6. You can't help where you were born. I was born in Ohio simply because that's where my mother was and thought I needed to be close to her. I left there at 22 and basically never looked back. You were smart enough to leave Massachusetts which shows that you've got at least some sense. Your hanging around here calls some of that into question though.
  7. When I say Pilgrims I specifically mean people in Massachusetts. I can't say that I've had a problem with anybody I've known from Vermont. I say "in" Massachusetts, because I've known people from Massachusetts who were good people, and once they left the place and found out how decent people act, said that they were never going back.
  8. Not saying anything specifically against Yankees in general, but Pilgrims are particularly nasty people and should be avoided if at all possible. Especially if you have a Southern accent. When I was driving long haul, I don't think I ever had a problem finding iced tea, even in Chicago.
  9. During my misspent youth in The Marines, I had the misfortune to be stationed at the Naval Air Station in Weymouth Mass. Weymouth is South of Boston a bit. Being a proud Redneck, I always used to order Iced Tea when out to dinner. I can't count how many upturned nosed waiters and waitresses told me that they didn't have Iced Tea because it was Winter and not Iced Tea season. I can't tell you how many, but it was the same number of places that I walked out of.
  10. These are the same people who don't have Iced Tea in Winter. Avoid them.
  11. That's where the witches are too. And NONE of them are good.
  12. Very possible. Some years ago I read a story about him that said that when he was at Princeton, his Secretary had to stay at the office because Einstein would have to call him because he kept getting lost on his way home.
  13. Incorrect. Alcoholics go to meetings. Drunks don't.
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