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Sgt. C.J. Sabre, SASS #46770

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Posts posted by Sgt. C.J. Sabre, SASS #46770

  1. Just now, Buckshot Bob said:

    So does that mean it’s stupid or really stupid :) 

    It's not stupid because it's computer controlled. The computer might be stupid, but that's a whole different story. 

    And if you keep driving with a flashing light, YOU'RE the stupid one. Like I said, Really Bad.

  2. 17 minutes ago, Buckshot Bob said:

    The dummy lites in a car just stay on , no flashing, so is the dummy lite stupid 

    The old style Dummy lights in a car would just stay on. The newer light will come on if it's something Bad, but if they're flashing it means something Really Bad.

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  3. 37 minutes ago, Subdeacon Joe said:


    If your Stupid Light is on that means that your Stupid is activated and running. 


    8 minutes ago, Buckshot Bob said:

    It could mean your Stupid is not working properly, like the dummy lights in a car, so that may be an advantage 

    Stupid Light On means you Stupid is activated and running.  Your Stupid Light will be flashing if your Stupid is not working properly.   

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  4. 22 minutes ago, Brazos John said:

    So does that mean my friend has 20 households?

    Just asking...

    More likely it means that there are another 19 households that have wimps living in them hoping that "SOMEONE" will come to save them if the wolf comes to their door.

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  5. 52 minutes ago, Alpo said:

    That is depressing. I have a picture in my mind of what a Marine corps drill instructor looks like.




    To think that now they wear baggy camouflage with untucked shirts.


    Times, they are achangin'.

    No they're not. Drill Instructors ALWAYS wear a belt with their uniforms.


    15 minutes ago, Black Angus McPherson said:


    Alpo instigated question:  Why is one Sgt. wearing a green belt with a brass EGA belt buckle and the other Sgt. wearing a black belt with a plain belt buckle?





    No, really, why?

    The Drill Instructor with the Garrison Belt, (black belt with a plain belt buckle), is the Senior Drill Instructor.


    • Thanks 2
  6. 2 hours ago, Sedalia Dave said:

    Few people are aware that hundreds of Haggis were used to film the Star Trek episode, "The Trouble with Tribbles."  Gene Roddenberry traveled to Scotland years prior to creating Star Trek, but later remembered seeing the wee beasties during his Scotland holiday and wanted to incorporate them, somehow, into one of the episodes he was writing, which eventually became, "The Hassle with Haggis."  Lawsuits were filed over the use of the name 'Haggis', so Roddenberry, succumbing to pressure from studio execs, changed the name to 'Tribbles', and then the title of the episode as well.  The professional animal handlers for the series were ill prepared for the behavior and habits of Haggis, especially the flouncing. Filming of the episode took longer than expected, and several members of the cast and crew were injured due to mishandling of the Haggis.  When filming was complete, the Haggis were flown back to Scotland to resume their life in the Highlands.  No Haggis were harmed during the filming of this episode. 
    Fun Fact:  The original script never stated that 'Tribbles hated Klingons and that they would emit a piercing shriek and shiver with rage'.  The Haggis themselves behaved this way towards the actors who were dressed as Klingons as the Haggis had an aversion to the makeup the actors wore.  Roddenberry chose to amend his script to allow for this behavior, rather than change the actors' makeup.



    Fun story, but it's about the biggest load of Hooey I've heard in a while.

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