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Sgt. C.J. Sabre, SASS #46770

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Everything posted by Sgt. C.J. Sabre, SASS #46770

  1. Technically, Cowboy Action can be a form of cosplay. Merriam-Webster defines cosplay as "the activity or practice of dressing up as a character from a work of fiction". So any of us dressing as a fictional character, and I'm including those of us that made up a character, my own Sgt. C.J. Sabre being such, are cosplaying. Most anybody dressing for a Renaissance Festival is cosplaying. Kids in costume on Halloween are cosplaying. When you were a little kid sitting in front of the TV shooting your cap gun with Gene, Hoppy, or Roy, you were cosplaying. I was too. Is it different that other forms? Maybe. But by definition, we are cosplaying. I'm good with that.
  2. When I was in it still was, (80s). But my experience was at our bases. I don't know how it it when one of our ships is docked at a foreign port. And it also probably depends on the ship, (Cruiser, Destroyer, Nuclear Aircraft Carrier, etc).
  3. Or, often as not, to prove that he is SERIOUS, whoever has the pistol racks the slide so that NOW he has a round in the chamber.
  4. Because then he just might get an answer and deprive us the fun of discussing it.
  5. That's because the USA is relatively low on emissions. Highest are probably China and India. Of course, the USA is PAYING for it, but...
  6. They found them in "Close Encounters of the Third Kind".
  7. I had one many years ago that did. She, having never driven a truck, nor having ever been on my route, decided to change the whole thing to try to save me time, and the company overtime. She told me that if I wouldn't do it her way I could find someplace else to work. So I did. The guy she hired to replace me lasted three weeks. He quit and she got fired for gross mismanagement. They hire me back at a significant pay raise. Which worked out well because the job I'd taken hadn't worked out for me. (But THEY didn't know that!) When the worst boss I've ever worked for came along, HE liked to have meetings. He insisted that I participate. I told him that I didn't have time. I had deliveries to make. He said to do them later. I told him that he could explain to HIS boss why my overtime was going up. I didn't have to stay for meetings very often.
  8. Oh heck, go all the way. I've got conchos on my gun belts. They add some character to a plain black belt.
  9. One reason I liked this one was that the Medium sized ALICE Pack had a space behind the middle pouch to stow it.
  10. Last seen running away with a stuffed tiger in hand.
  11. In Sick Bay, one of the readout on the Bio Bed was for "Medical Insurance Remaining".
  12. Surprisingly there are a few people like that in Tombstone. Whoever owns the Boothill Graveyard doesn't even allow guns on the property.
  13. When I was in Boot Camp, they issued me one of those. I hated it from the start. It's lighter and more compact than it's predecessor, it doesn't have the pick, and it's twice as much work to get the same job done because you can't get as good a grip on the handle. I'll stick to the 1951 version.
  14. Not surprisingly, a piece of plywood fits in the same 20mm ammo can as the tools.
  15. My wife carries the small shovel in her Durango, while I carry the M 1951 E tool in my Jeep. Additionally, I carry the M 1910 Mattock in the Jeep' When stowed, they both easily fit in a 20mm ammo can.
  16. But they never did. Captain Picard said in HIS opening statement "Where man, or noone, has gone before". So the question still stands, When WILL they go to Boldly Go?
  17. BEFORE. To Boldly Go. Where no man has gone BEFORE, intimating that they WOULD be going there. Sheesh!
  18. I don't think so. Since the first assassination attempt, I taken to wearing a MAGA hat everywhere I go. The response has been OVERWHELMINGLY positive. People I've seen at the gym I go to for years, but have never spoken to, have stopped to tell me that they like my hat. People in Walmart and Fry's grocery stores have done the same. I've had people at yard sales tell me the same. Now bear in mind, Pima County, which houses Tucson, has a 75% Dumocrat registration. If he's that popular here, I doubt that a squirrely Male Stewardess could do anything without everybody else saying anything.
  19. As a young Marine, I was an Aviation Ordnanceman, and I worked on them. Good little airplane. Four M60 machine guns in the sponsons, and they could carry rockets, flares, and gun pods. The A model even had provisions to carry two AIM-9 Sidewinder Missiles.
  20. If it were me, I'd wear a regular shirt onto the plane, then, after we took off, remove it to show a TRUMP T-Shirt.
  21. Here's the pertinent part. The bit I've highlighted in red is where this REALLY goes high and to the right. This guy NEEDS an attitude adjustment. On Oct. 16, Catherine Banks, a Marine Corps veteran, was asked to get off her flight, which was departing out of San Francisco International Airport. Once she exited the plane, the flight attendant explained that Banks needed to change because her shirt was “threatening,” Banks told NBC Bay Area (KNTV). It featured a message about veteran suicide rates in the U.S. “Do not give in to the war within,” the shirt read. “End veteran suicide.” Banks said that after informing the flight attendant of her service, she was still forced to change on the jet bridge and had to turn her back away from the flight attendant because she wasn’t wearing a bra. “I said, ‘Are you kidding me? I’m a Marine Corps vet. I’m going to see my Marine sister. I’ve been in the Marine Corps for 22 years and worked for the Air Force for 15 years. I’m going to visit her,’” Banks said. “He said, ‘I don’t care about your service, and I don’t care about her service. The only way you’re going to get back on the plane is if you take it off right now.’” Banks also said that when she got back on the plane, she was forced to sit in the back instead of sitting in the seat she had paid for, which had extra legroom.
  22. The story goes something like this: If you look at the last four months of the year, you will note something interesting. SEPTember starts with SEPT, or SEVEN. OCTober starts with OCT, or EIGHT. NOVember starts with NOV, or NON, which is NINE, and DECember starts with DEC, for DECIMAL, which is the basis for modern mathematics. "How did this come about?" you ask. GOOD question. It is said that back in the days of the Roman Empire, Julius Caesar wanted to name a month after himself. For whatever reason he chose the seventh month, called it July, and moved the rest of the months of the year to follow it. When his son, Augustus came to power, he did the same, calling the eighth month August, again moving the following months to follow it. Now here's the kicker: They both wanted the months named after them to have 31 days in them, while at the time, they only had 30. So the each stole a day from February, leaving it with 28 days. I can't claim factual knowledge of this, I wasn't around then. Ask Forty Rod, I think that he was a Corporal in the Roman Legion back then. But this is how I heard it waaaaaay back in Elementary School.
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