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Sgt. C.J. Sabre, SASS #46770

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Everything posted by Sgt. C.J. Sabre, SASS #46770

  1. As some of you have said, I generally don't except for Lowes, and a couple other "big" places, (Jerry Bob's restaurant has a veterans discount, free drink, and they're a big chain). But I received an offer from LAX Ammo in my email this morning. 5% off on their ammo. For life. Their ammo is fairly inexpensive anyway, but I might just take them up on this. Unfortunately, they don't have lead ammo, so no Cowboy ammo. But for general paper punching, I just might try it. Anybody have any experience with them? Here's the link: https://www.laxammo.com/military-veteran
  2. Another article on this. From the article: To be sure, U.S. Rep. Richard Hudson, (R-NC), who has continued to reintroduce his concealed carry reciprocity bill that originally died back in 2018, has won reelection and is seeking a second term as National Republican Congressional Committee Chair. Should the GOP win the House-- as of Monday morning, they had secured 214 of 218 needed seats and are leading in at least eight undecided races-- it is likely Hudson's reciprocity could once again pass that body in 2025. Full article here: https://www.guns.com/news/2024/11/10/trump-national-concealed-carry-reciprocity-promise-resurfaces
  3. Even though the article is scant on details, it does say he would like an "Act", which sounds to me like having it go through Congress to make it Law.
  4. Here's some good news that could affect us all. "Over the weekend President-elect Donald Trump announced a push for national concealed carry reciprocity, a move which would make the concealed permit of any one state valid in the other 49." Full story here: https://www.breitbart.com/2nd-amendment/2024/11/11/president-elect-trump-announces-push-for-national-concealed-carry-reciprocity/
  5. Last I heard, the Supreme Court had overturned the "Pistol Brace" ban. I don't know exactly what that means, but it sounds like a Good Thing.
  6. I have to agree with that assessment. We really like Nathan Fillion, but it kind of seemed like they had just run out of ideas the last couple seasons and were phoning it in. Oh, and Blackwater, just so you know, you're a new hero of mine.
  7. My wife did the same thing.
  8. Mythbusters tested and confirmed it.
  9. While I know that I'll never be famous or even well known, I like to think that my "legacy" will be that my daughter, and maybe other people I've known along the way, will do Good Things, however big or small, because of my influence. That will be good enough for me.
  10. The color temp scale, referred to as Temperature in Kelvin, is an excellent way to judge what your lights will look like. The "Soft White" bulbs are close to 5000K, the "Daylight" bulbs are about 6000K. You know those automotive LEDs with that d**m blue tint? Those are 6000 to 6500K. I can't STAND them, and I can't see with them. (Yellow Fog Lights are about 3500K).
  11. The sad, miserable people that tend get offended by such things are never the people that have any real concern for whatever they're "offended" about. They are "offended" by these things FOR the people that they think SHOULD be offended by them, but aren't. I believe that they think that the people that should be offended just aren't smart enough to understand the "problem". It's like all the ball teams that "had" to change their names from American Indian names to something else just in case some Indians were to get offended by it, not understanding that the Indians were NOT offended, but usually took pride that their people were being recognized. The descendendants of the woman that played Aunt Jemima were disgusted that she was removed from the brand because they were proud of the fact that their ancestor had been so much a part of both their and the brand's history. Hank Williams said it best, I think, when he sang, "If you mind your own business, you'll be busy all the time."
  12. I'm not worried. It's too late for them to vote in South Carolina. Now if they were here in Arizona...
  13. Finding incandescent bulbs is such a pain that I've just quit bothering. Long gone are the days of 4 for a Dollar bulbs. So I go ahead and buy the LEDs at Walmart. You can get 4, 60 Watt equivalent bulbs for about $6. But get the SOFT WHITE bulbs, NOT the daylight. The soft white bulbs look about the same as incandescent bulbs, and being LEDs use less power and last longer.
  14. Take a look at some of the channels on youtube. There are several that show dashcam videos, and they have links to different recommended systems on them.
  15. They might have changed the rules when too many people set their cars on fire or something. (More likely they spilled gas and it became an "environmental" concern. Back in the '80s when I was stationed in the Boston area, it was illegal to pump your own too.
  16. The comic is wrong. A sharps container is like a recycle bin. Everything in it is sharp, just like everything in the recycle bin is recyclables.
  17. Completely different. If you can find a full serve station, it costs more. In effect you're getting a discount for doing it yourself. When they first started self service gas stations, self serve was cheaper than full serve. If Walmart offered a discount for self checkout, I'd be all over it.
  18. I'm a cheap SOB, so we don't eat out at "nice" places. But there are a couple places that we frequent. One is a chain, Jerry Bob's. Breakfast and lunch place. Decent food and good service. Probably our favorite is Cappys. Family owned and operated. Cappy is the cook, his wife the Head Waitress. A couple daughters and the wife's sister work there too, as well as her best friend. Good old American food, as well as Mexican. That's where my Grumpy Lunch Bunch meets. When my friend Derek first suggested that we meet for lunch, he had a few other places in mind, but I talked him into Cappys. He never wanted to try any place else since. He takes other people there too. The only place I've ever seen a kiosk is McDummys. I don't go there anymore, and I'll NEVER go someplace that has one. Same idea as the self checkout anywhere. I won't use them.
  19. If that's the series I'm thinking of, it's pretty interesting. It was on Discovery probably 25 years ago.
  20. If my rememberer is right, (Forty Rod, feel free to correct me if it isn't), an "old" style C Rat cracker had 53 holes in it, while a "new" style had 51. An MRE cracker had 102. This info is 40 years old, so it might not be correct for the current MRE.
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