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Sgt. C.J. Sabre, SASS #46770

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Everything posted by Sgt. C.J. Sabre, SASS #46770

  1. You're just not trying hard enough.
  2. Alpo wouldn't be giving advice, he'd be the Patron Saint of Questioners
  3. As with most sheeple, he's hoping to get both a pass and a payoff on his own stupidity .
  4. We always talked about Marine and Navy aircraft as being designed by people with advanced degrees, flown by men with Bachelor Degrees fixed by guys with High School Diplomas.
  5. It could be worse, they could design something and want YOU to BUILD it!
  6. 150 ft. of flight line..
  7. There has to be WAY more to it than that. When I was a kid growing up in Columbus, there were people who had no connection with the school who absolutely DRIPPED hatred for anything Michigan.
  8. The fact that such rivalries exist doesn't mean that they make sense. Again, why DO these things exist?
  9. Thank You Rye. I never understood it either. We finally agree on something related to sports. Here in Arizona there is the same kind of rivalry, though not as intense, between the University of Arizona and Arizona State University. I don't get that one either.
  10. Yep. It's a Tombstone Special, just without the badge in the grip. I figure that since I'm not Wyatt Earp, I didn't need it.
  11. Just recently got one of his pistols.
  12. At the risk of starting another $**t storm, why?
  13. One thing you need to understand about OSU-MSU rivalry: it's older than anybody here, it's fierce, and fights start over it all the time. At least as as back as the 1970s, win or lose, the game has caused riots and fights nearly every year. People in Columbus HATE anybody and anything from Michigan, and the same is true from the other side. I'm from Columbus and had OSU football rammed down my throat from childhood, and I don't understand it. But there it is.
  14. That was nearly 60 years ago. I doubt that any of those people are still in power. The NFL allowed this 8 years ago. Most of them are still there, and by their silence on the subject, at least tacitly, still support it. Many in the GOP and the NRA are supporting the opposite of Mulford.
  15. But the NFL STOOD BEHIND IT. IMHO, any player participating should have been immediately dragged off the field and kicked out of the league. But the NFL allowed it to happen. If they'd have stepped up and at least "The NFL understands that players have the freedom to do that, but as an organization we disapprove", I might have a different opinion of them. But they said "We approve of our players doing this." They STILL haven't demonstrated any disapproval of it, it's just lost its headline drawing ability.
  16. Don't care. The NFL stood behind it.
  17. They won't if they think that they will make money off of them.
  18. They would stop it if FANS said stick it, we are sitting the season out. But they keep going to games, watching them on T.V., and buying their products.💩
  19. Like I said, a bunch of white liberals with not enough business of their own to mind.
  20. These things, along with Aunt Jemima, Uncle Ben, and the Indian girl on Land O Lakes butter weren't offensive to people that they represented, they were offensive to white liberals who didn't have enough business of their own to mind. They decided that these symbols should be offensive and that they knew that better than the people represented by the symbols. I stumbled on another video today on a black guy's channel saying that blacks were proud of Aunt Jemima and Uncle Bens, and because of the people on the label, those were the products they bought. But white liberals know better.
  21. Not hardly.
  22. He was also the head Bad Guy, John Fain, in "Big Jake".
  23. Jeff Bridges might as well have been saying, "Your mother wears combat boots".
  24. A couple videos about the Washington Redskins going back to that name because American Indians LIKE it.
  25. I "suffer" from I don't need anything bad enough to put up with getting up early and fight the crowds to get it.
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