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Marauder SASS #13056

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Everything posted by Marauder SASS #13056

  1. Better safe than sorry. So Yes. Why risk it since it is a well known problem. While the part is out, either try the JB weld fix or talk with a pard that can braze or silver solder or ?
  2. What Larsen said! When you look at the original design, it becomes obvious they should never have went to a weak little bent tab to be the cartridge stop.
  3. Actually, back in the 1980's the lowest weight lead bullet i could find for 38's was 138 grain by one company in Ohio. Essentially all lead bullets were either 148 wad-cutter or 158 grain or a little larger. There were beginning to be lighter self defense bullets as promoted by Hi-val in Indiana, but they were pioneers. I think it was in the late or mid-1990's before 125 grain lead bullets were common - and those were initially from 9 mm molds. So, Thanks, SASS for the great fun I've had!
  4. With rank scoring, it can be like in a football game as to the impact of a problem. Say that two teams are nearly equal. Your team fumbles on your 10 yard line which resulted in the opponent quickly scoring. The opponent also fumbled, but on you 30 yard line. And you were able to defend that distance better. Or a gunfight where it is at more distance with barriers. Both folks miss some. and it doesn't matter too much. In another gunfight, it is up close with no barriers. One miss may and that fumble was fatal.... But Bud points out a weakness in that if you are competing towards the bottom of the bunch. You are being beat a little by your pard, then he screws up and gets a P and a MS. But since you are low on the board, that doesn't result in many rank points lost at all. So you still lose. His suggestion would largely improve that. I lost first place in my category by one rank point but was 1 second faster. But I realized that slight fumble on a fast stage did me in. I was beaten fair and square.
  5. Bud, I agree with your analysis and proposed solution. You have highlighted one of the two major issues with rank scoring and it would be a great improvement as you have noted.
  6. I thought I was signed up for the Last Stand, but I didn't see my name on the list??

    Got me worried!

  7. to contact Dirt Merchant -he has several for sale.


    tell him I said hey!

  8. As to EOT and water rights, remember who their "business manager" was back then.

  9. Phantom,

    I tried to send you a PM but it appears your basket is full!!

    Send me a PM and 'll give you my email.

  10. I use the same load as Al and it works well for me.

    But with relatively lighter loads (a little slower and less lead) you do have to make sure to hit some knockdowns a little more solidly. But almost never have to amke up a shotgun.

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