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Perro Del Diablo

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Posts posted by Perro Del Diablo

  1. Set record rain 2 days straight. I have projects need done outside but the boat with animals just passed by. Now weather liars saying 70 degrees for Saturday. Might try do ride if get bike back together. Changing handle bars little more involved than I expected. :P

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  2. 19 hours ago, John Kloehr said:

    I'll consider reversing the bolt direction from the bottom. Might also then not need to drill all the way through the wood I'll laminate underneath the stair tread. Also will be easier to check for and correct loosensing.


    I do think through-bolts with fender washers will be stronger than the threaded anchors. I have used those anchors in the past. They are handy.


    Yes, the clamps... I have been looking at various clamps, I found some available with 8" and 12" reach, but the opening size is less than 3". Need a minimum of 6-3/4" jaw opening to clear the rail under the table edge. It is basically a dining/kitchen table.



    I had some machinist experience when in high school. These clamps are called deep throat c-clamps. There are more sizes available but may be expensive. 

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  3. 20 hours ago, Forty Rod SASS 3935 said:

    And here I was looking at maps trying to find Blackhawk Springs. Then I read the whole thing and became horribly DEpressed.


    It' snot nice to mess with old people like that.

    Too bad can't use evil grin emoji

  4. 4 minutes ago, Shawnee Hills said:

    You guys are making this too hard.  Clamp your mainspring seat in the vise so you can push on it from the side,  install mainspring on strut, line up spring and strut to seat slot, push and pin the assembly.  Easy peasy.

    That was my original attempt that I failed miserably 

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  5. 50 minutes ago, Marshal Mo Hare, SASS #45984 said:

    You are not the first. You won’t be the last. Now did you have to look under the sofa to find it?

    Fortune smiled on me for a change each fell at my feet several times 

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  6. 1 hour ago, Pat Riot said:

    A little more info.



    Length - ~4”

    Ext. diameter - .310” or 5/16”

    Interior dia. - .244” or ~1/4”

    Slot length - 1.75”

    Slot width - 3/32” or ~ .075”



    3/8” Flats cut into sides of tube to accommodate the mainspring seat.


    End view




    I was thinking about making something similar 

    • Like 2
  7. Just replaced factory springs in my 41 mag. Of course after using pure brute stupid force I was able to get new mainspring in pall. Soon after saw video where a dollar store fork used to to assist in compressing the new one. Fore head slap moment occured.

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  8. After nearly 30 years I found a design flaw. Running some brass this morning started off with motor wouldn't turn, found cord blocked the weight. Fixed it ran load of 38s. Just Getting prepped with next batch mixing new media and polish and POP FLASH. Quickly unplugged let cool for while then started my disection sure enough cord was burned from being cut by motor weight. Ok so do I try fix or just squeeze a rock to get some blood and buy the newer 700. Just in case cut out bad section  stripped wires and tied them together making sure no way the will touch. Now the test to see if I will have sell my first born I plugged it in and started right back up. So unplugged and now gonna repair cord drill hole in side of base and reroute cord so it will not tangle in motor again. Had never had issues before but realized cord comes out of motor and is loose underneath so when it was slack tangled and cut by motor weight. Whew alot cheaper at Christmas time than buying new one. I am blessed it's been faithful all these years and fix is simple splice of 3 wires. 

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  9. My brother inherited a rem 722 in 280 remington. Really nice deer rifle. I loaded some ammo for him and he has taken bighorn sheep at 400+ yards. I'm not familiar with the 760. I suggest take both for site in and decide the one you  prefer. Use it as primary and have other as backup for first buck. If you have success you may want stay with it. Or take first buck with 1 and then second with the backup. Either way may the hunting gods provide you freezer full of venison. 

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  10. On 11/5/2024 at 11:12 PM, Tennessee williams said:

       I couldn't get you on the phone so I figured I'd send you this private message. 

       I agree with what you said about Pat Riot, but you shouldn't talk like that about Blackwater. He's good people and my kin to boot. Just try not to mention that too much on the wire or the saloon. 

       Did the doctor ever figure out what those weird spots are? I don't think I'd worry too much since you don't get much use out of it anymore. But, I'll bet you'll be glad after that hemorrhoids surgery. Man, I bet that's awful. Grape size you say? Man oh man.

       I did get out to the carnival to talk to that bearded lady for you. She said she'd be happy to go to the movies with you, and can meet around 2. That'll give yall time to get to know each other better. 

      Hated to send all this to you on private message. I'll try calling you tomorrow.


    Now yall wasn't supposed talk about Patriot like that. It was my turn.

    • Haha 4
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