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Everything posted by DocWard

  1. Actually, that is exactly what I thought you meant!
  2. What, you didn't consider drunk or stoned?
  3. Yep! I've done my share back in my younger days, and some parts were hair raising. The change of color in the fall in Eastern KY is one of the prettiest things I believe I've ever seen. Now if I could just find some of my pictures...
  4. It was intended as such. The producers purchased the rights to the film because it was so obscure (meaning they were cheap), to avoid any legal difficulties.
  5. My Appalachian born parents always referred to "the hills." Growing up, I never thought of them as "mountains" even though I had never seen the Rocky Mountains. A couple of things worth noting though, are that the Appalachians were the first real barrier to East-West travel encountered by Europeans as they settled and expanded the continent. Also, the Appalachians are far, far older than the Rockies, and are believed to have been Himalayan in size at one time!
  6. A view of fall from my driveway. We get the same view from the backdoors.
  7. Welcome to the fire! I can't add much to what has already been added, other than there are also a few dilettantes around, and if you get the chance to shoot with @Sixgun Seamus and Cayenne Kay, at a shoot, Do it! Oh, I'm fine with that hat, but did you have to steal Charlie Brown's shirt for your wild rag? He has a hard enough time as it is!
  8. I suppose there is some validity to the point. At the same time, there are some movies where people agree they got it right the first time. I read they're planning a remake of the original Highlander movie. Why? It is considered an iconic cult classic for a reason. Shot on a relatively small budget, and with relatively few effects, it was the actors and their chemistry that brought the story to life. Now, I'm sure they can do amazing fight choreography and add cool CGI effects. Those don't make a better movie. Henry Cavill is not a particularly poor actor, based on the things I've seen him in, and I'm sure he'll do a fine job. They may surround him with other great actors. But that doesn't mean they will improve upon the first. I mean, Clancy Brown is the Kurgan. Imitation may be the sincerest form of flattery, but sometimes it is just imitation.
  9. She mentioned a bazooka rocket as a possibility, but she wasn't sure. It's supposed to be a training round, though.
  10. A few items on display from The Clark County Heritage Center museum at a veterans fair earlier this month. A close look at the portion of the tree shows a cannon ball and other pieces imbedded, as well as spots where some had fallen out over time. The battle this was taken from is unknown, sadly, because it was not recorded when the item was donated when the museum was just an idea. The blood chit was from a Clark County resident who flew in WWII. I'm not sure what the projectile is, and neither was the curator, as it was one of those items that was donated without information.
  11. Most of mine came from being on the gun lines in the field artillery, I think. Rock concerts didn't help either, although the worst my ears ever rang was after going through the shoot house at Ft. Hood a couple of times, and that was with hearing protection. They rang for several days.
  12. The path slightly more travelled. Taken getting ready to start a trail run at John Bryan State Park last year.
  13. Add Led Zeppelin and Rush to the mix and a few others, and that sounds about right. Iron Maiden was my very first concert. If my parents only knew... Oh, and as for Smoke on the Water, could there be a cooler name than "Funky Claude?" Should've been my alias.
  14. Good songs. I have those and Stone Cold on one of my playlists.
  15. I wouldn't know. Please... Do tell...
  16. I believe the man was standing inside the window. There is a reflection off the window.
  17. Being watched by this guy outside my window early last summer.
  18. At the risk of getting myself hurt, AB wearing fire gear at a demonstration during a school assembly. She was the teacher the kids chose. 2007.
  19. Camp Patriot, Kuwait, about mid-day, sometime during the summer of 2008.
  20. Turkeys taking a leisurely stroll through our yard last year.
  21. Alpo's Cool Photo thread got me to thinking about what cool photos other Saloonatics might have taken themselves. No specific subject matter, just photos you have taken that you find interesting or cool. Maybe add a brief explanation of what, when, where. That sort of thing. I suppose I would also grudgingly accept photos taken by spouse, child or family member, so long as it is a personal photo, not professional. Of course, I'll start with what I think is the coolest I've taken. P-51 Mustangs fly into the sunset at the "Gathering of Mustangs and Legends" at Rickenbacker International Airport. September 2007. 35mm film photo.
  22. I'll be keeping you in my thoughts and meditations. You take care of yourself. Understand?
  23. AND! Upon establishment of a bureaucracy, the first goal of the bureaucracy is the continuation of the bureaucracy.
  24. Fit, even athletic, which are also good things.
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