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Utah Bob #35998

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Everything posted by Utah Bob #35998

  1. Yup. I have other places to waste time. I have never understood why anybody wants to stay in there long enough to read.Eat more fiber.
  2. Never mind the groping. If they lose it's because Bama has a great team.
  3. "any device for silencing, muffling, or diminishing the report of a portable firearm" That's the important part.
  4. The delay caused because Santa Ana wouldn't bypass the fort was actually pretty important to the Republic. But, jerk or not, the stand was a brave damn thing. Anyone who has visited the Alamo would be ill advised to call any of the defenders jerks. At least in my presence.
  5. Not a problem. Construction kinda slows down around here this time of year.
  6. I've decided that the next structure that's put up here will only involve me sitting in a lawn chair watching the crew.
  7. Har! I got that stuff in California. Not exactly Garand territory.
  8. Yeah I think at 55 bucks I did okay. http://www.ebay.com/itm/Original-Vietnam-War-vintage-US-Army-APH-5-helicopter-flight-helmet-/322365707650?hash=item4b0e7e5582:g:ja8AAOSwB09YMlQA
  9. The sculpture is the awesomest though! http://www.khaki-army.com/15-limited-edition-military-statues
  10. When I'm heading to the last roundup I hope they put a half full glass next to the bed. Can't decide if it should be Tequila or Bourbon though.
  11. Party. Fight. Gunshots. How many times have we seen this before. Both pros and college athletes.
  12. Plenty of good people died. Including friends of mine. But they weren't "celebrities". I suspect next year will be the same.
  13. Ditto. I make and break enough resolutions during the year. Why bother now?
  14. And I picked up this 1968 aircrew helmet at a little antique shop. I think I did okay for 55 bucks. http://www.flighthelmet.com/mm5/merchant.mvc?Screen=PROD&Store_Code=FHL&Product_Code=25100&Category_Code=VN5A
  15. A very entertaining game. And surprising. 'Noles were fired up.
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