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Utah Bob #35998

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Everything posted by Utah Bob #35998

  1. I am without pest now and can’t lay my hands on old pics. I can only offer this. Robert and Mary
  2. Great take on the East India Company too! I spent a while explaing to her how amazingly powerful and influential it was. Most people have no idea. Imagine the Disney Empire or awalmart with their own troops. http://www.radiotimes.com/news/2017-02-04/what-was-the-real-east-india-company-bbc1s-taboo-takes-on-the-formidable-corporation
  3. There was one by the post office the other day that you could smell from 500 yrds approaching!!
  4. What did the use to weld it? MIG or arc?
  5. For those who advocate a shotgun for home defense, this is not a bad concept. One reason I don't favor a scattergun or rifle for close in work is the length. Moving around in low light with furniture and doorways and the possibility the bad guy could grab your long gun in close quarters makes a pistol more practical for me. But this thing is short enough to be used in close quarters and scattery enough to be used by someone who is not a crack shot. I think it has a niche.
  6. I on the other hand, identify with Napolean Dynamite.
  7. The Tracy, being a Clemson class destroyer, was a WW1 Class ship, kinda like the Garand is a WWII rifle, even those made post war.
  8. If I throw a party, I supply the appetizers. Quality control I calls it.
  9. The plot of Plan Nine From Outer Space made more sense than this.
  10. We can easily feed the US and a significant part of the whole world if necessary.
  11. My wife could never get the hang of it. So I bought her an electric one.
  12. All I have is an answering machine. It will not put you into voice mail if I'm on the line.
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