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Pat Riot

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Everything posted by Pat Riot

  1. Once you go real maple you won’t like the crap or that the case for me. I have been using Hickory Syrup. It’s very good too.
  2. I like many Christmas songs performed by many different musicians and singers. It’s easier to list the ones I do not like, but that’s not what this threads about. Merry Christmas Everybody!
  3. Wow! That’s a long and interesting article. Thank you Dom. I only read about half way. I will read the rest later. It’s funny, not one mention of shootists and gun fighters using wimpy mouse fart loads or hurriedly shooting at adversaries at very short distances… Maybe this remains to be seen in the latter half of the article. I did see "Slow is smooth; smooth is fast." Hmmmm…perhaps accuracy was involved as well…
  4. Many ship’s, in particular ships named after states, are used numerous times. My ship, the USS Virginia CGN-38 was the 5th US Navy ship named after the state of Virginia. Now that name belongs to a submarine. USS Virginia SSN-774.
  5. $35 in ‘68 would be $317 today. https://www.dollartimes.com/inflation/inflation.php?amount=35&year=1968 https://www.in2013dollars.com/us/inflation/1968?amount=35
  6. Okay, back to guns… I think I would concentrate on M1 Garands and Colt 1911s.
  7. You have the internet, right? Actually, I learned about it the day before you did. I don’t watch regular TV and I get my news online in my email and I pick and choose the news I am interested in. ____________________________________________ Regarding BLM & their commie buddies Aunty-Pha - I hope they start their sh** again so the new president can classify them as terrorists with open season on them.
  8. It looks like someone started to make a sculpture of a Picasso painting, smoked a joint then got “creative”.
  9. I watched 5 episodes on Prime. I can’t stand the dipstick teenager or her mother. Other than that, good show…so far.
  10. I was going to say “Bob”
  11. Would be a great Silhouette Comp gun or a benchrest revolver for targets MUCH further away than pistol targets at a SASS match. Come to think of it…A lot further than rifle targets too. I personally don’t want one, but I can see where one could come in handy. It could be a good hunting pistol too.
  12. Otto capitalized Otto. It’s freakin’ AI !!! Everybody run!
  13. Did Otto change the “F” word to “Fixed”?
  14. I am truly sorry for your loss. We had to do the same with our dog Maddie months ago. She had bone cancer. We had no clue and the vet did not see it before it was all through her. The vet told us that there was no way we could have known. We just thought her arthritis was bothering her.
  15. I swear… When I first read this I was baffled by why this was a good thing. I thought of TB as in Tuberculosis. I was reading some medical news earlier.
  16. Perhaps the world would be a better place if warnings were removed from various items. The warnings take away from the Fung Shui of ladders, fuel cans, power tools, etc… This ^^^^
  17. It’s all fun and games until someone hits a rock.
  18. Oops! Forgot the link: https://a.co/d/9H648we
  19. This ^^^^ and I wear leather thinsulate gloves and slip Hot Hands inside either against my palm or the back of my hands if I am doing something. I used to do this when fishing in sub-freezing weather.
  20. SPAM - Something Pat Ain’t Masticating
  21. Happy Rohatsu, Doc
  22. SPAM - Sodium Packed Almost Meat
  23. Maybe Canada needs a revolution.
  24. This ^^^^ times 3
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