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Pat Riot

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Posts posted by Pat Riot

  1. One of the reasons I never saw a benefit to my use of Trail Boss is when I found and tried Trail Boss the first time it cost me the same as a pound of Universal powder. Trail Boss powder weighs in at 9oz in a 1 pound bottle. 
    If loading a cartridge that takes 5 grains on powder I can get 1400 rounds out of a 1 Pound bottle of Unique, Universal, W244, etc.

    That same container only filled with 9 ounces of TB yields only 787.5 loads at 5 grains each. 
    IF we’re loading in a perfect world. I somehow manage to spill a little powder. 

    I must admit, though, the recoil of an 800fps 255 grain bullet load with Trail Boss doesn’t have the sharp recoil of a 800fps 255 grain bullet load of Unique or Universal. It must be that Trail Boss’ burn rate and pressure are such that it seems to minimize felt recoil. 



    Something to consider… 


    Many forums require that if you post something from another website that you post a hyper link to the media (image, video, graphic, etc.) for people to click on to access the site OR you post a link showing where the image came from either above or below the image. This removes or mitigates the chances of copyright infringement issues. 


    Image from: https://www.sassnet.com/sass-clubs/find-a-club-near-you

    I also posted this in  the GOFWG’s thread
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  3. Something to consider… 


    Many forums require that if you post something from another website that you post a hyper link to the media (image, video, graphic, etc.) for people to click on to access the site OR you post a link showing where the image came from either above or below the image. This removes or mitigates the chances of copyright infringement issues. 


    Image from: https://www.sassnet.com/sass-clubs/find-a-club-near-you

    • Thanks 2
  4. 4 hours ago, Gateway Kid SASS# 70038 Life said:

    Okay math challenged today….

    but doesn’t 3.3 pounds make 3.3 one pound containers? Which would make each pound = $64 each?

    Or put another way the nine ounce bottles would be $36.14 each?

    Both in US dollars. 


    :FlagAm:  :FlagAm:  :FlagAm:
    Gateway Kid

    Trail Boss cones in 1# sized bottles that have 9oz of powder in them. 

    BUT! I did screw up my own math. It’s not 12.9 containers at $16.50 each 

    It’s the equivalent of 5.86 containers at $33 each. 

    I gotta quit doing math. It’s harmful to my brain. :lol:

    • Haha 1
  5. 8 hours ago, Dantankerous said:

    I have watched his videos for years... never once have I seen him do anything unsafe. And yes, that guy can shoot.

    I agree. I have seen quite a few of his videos as well. I don’t recall ever seeing an unsafe act or situation. 

  6. There are some that believe everything on the internet should be fair game. Others want  controls on everything on the internet. It’s frustrating. 

    There are companies buying up everything that used to be “free” or available on the internet. 
    Old news stories and newspaper articles used to be free and available. Now, it seems companies have bought the old newspaper’s articles and cataloged them for sale or an access fee. 
    Years ago when I worked in LA I was a manager on the Pasadena Gold Line light rail system. I did the start up. 
    One day at a public event a photographer from the LA Times took my photograph at a station platform. It was a nice photo. I wanted a copy of it. I was told “No! Buy a paper.” So I did. 
    One day, about 5 years ago I found that image online. It had a big “Getty Images” banner emblazoned across it. I clicked a link to see if I could get a copy of it. I could, for $110. I contacted the Getty website and got a phone number and I called to ask why I would need to pay for an image of me. The response was “We own it. You want it? Pay us.” I was then informed the cost would be $1200! I said some very nasty things to the man and hung up. 

    A few years after that image was taken I took some photos on the Lynx Light Rail in Charlotte during the start up. I took one picture that is historical in the light rail & trolley world. 
    I took a photo of historic “Car 85”, a 1920’s vintage trolley car at a station platform with a brand new Light Rail Vehicle (LRV) across the station platform from it.

    That was the one and only time Car 85 went to the mainline. 
    I took the image and blew it up into a poster. Our CEO saw it and wanted a copy. I gave him a digital copy. He in turn gave the image to the Charlotte Trolley Museum with the caveat that any posting of that image should be credited to me. 
    A few years ago I found MY image on a real estate website in Charlotte. I called to ask them to remove my photo from their website. They said “Nope! We own it. We copyrighted it. It is not yours. You can take us to court but you’ll be wasting your time.”

    I talked to a copyright lawyer and was told that the image of Car 85 and the LRV belongs to whoever copyrighted it, regardless if I have the original image stored on a camera and a jump drive. Going to court would be a waste of time. 
    Over a period of time I gave up on it. it’s not worth the hassle. 
    These days if I see a pro looking photographer or news reporter taking photos in my direction I flip them off and maintain that gesture until the camera pans or is taken out of use. I do it just because I can. Screw ‘em!

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  7. 7 minutes ago, Alpo said:

    The reason for the existence of West By Gawd Virginia is that that section of the country broke off from Virginia when it seceded, and stayed with the Union.


    Therefore, West By Gawd Virginia is Yankee land.

    I no longer think in those terms. It’s the United States of America. 

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  8. 48 minutes ago, Henry T Harrison said:

    I understand that it is their gun and off camera I don’t care what they do with it. On camera they are showing a million subscribers some very bad and unsafe gun hand handling 

    How many of Hickok45’s videos have you watched?

  9. 1.5kg = 3.307 lb 

    $340 AUD = $212.92 USD 

    That’s 12.9 - 9oz containers when sold in the 1# sized bottles in the U.S.  

    That’s also $16.50 per container in USD. 


    Not bad at all, price wise IF that’s what it would go for here. It’ll be double or more by the time it reaches us. 
    I bought two 9oz bottles of Trail Boss in 2021 for $36 each in SoCal. They were misplaced inventory that the store had just found and brought out. The clerks had no idea what it was worth so they calculated their meager powder inventory was going for $60 per 1# bottle so they did a little match and gave the Trail Boss the $60 per pound price at 9 ounces worth. 
    I am pretty sure I got the last 2 “retail” bottles in the USA at the time. 

  10. Something else I would like to mention. 
    It seems to me that something or someone is actively trolling the Saloon causing minor glitches. In the past few days I have been typing or trying to post something and my screen locks. To get past it I have to refresh the page which clears whatever I was working on posting. 50% of the time it comes back right where I left off minus a few characters towards the end, but the other 50% of the time it is gone. 
    This does not happen with other forums or websites. Only the Saloon. 

    Just an FYI

  11. @Eliphalet R. Moderator

    @Misty Moonshine
    Another forum that I frequent requires that any image, graphic or video that is posted also be accompanied by a link to where the item was found on the internet. A valid hyperlink is preferred, not just an image of the link. 
    This seems to satisfy their “no infringement” requirements. 
    I always make sure I mention when posting any photo or image that I took or made came from my photo file or personal files. 

    Perhaps this process might work for SASS…maybe?

    • Thanks 1
  12. 6 hours ago, Subdeacon Joe said:


    On stuff that's obviously farce I don't care if it's AI.  Or CGI.  Or Harryhausen stop animation.

    I wonder if these videos are like training for a  creative AI?


    I found another from YouTube.


    Here is the Star Wars 1940’s Film Noir that I mentioned. 


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  13. 9 minutes ago, Alpo said:

    I don't see how this would work. Most of the cartoons, memes, funny photos, etc that I post I saved from the Smith & Wesson board.


    So instead of posting the picture I should post a link to the post on the Smith & Wesson board where I got the picture from? Because I don't know where they got the picture from.

    The rules state that posting links to other forums is forbidden. Sorry Alpo. 

  14. I remember years ago that several fires were started in LA county. There were multiple reports of a guy in a gray van “throwing things into the underbrush and within seconds there was fire”. That van & guy were never found even though he was being lauded and praised on certain websites of an  enviro nature. 
    I personally believe that these fires are set purposely by enviro groups and / or pro Mexico groups hoping to run people out of the territory they believe belongs to Mexico. 

    I find it very suspicious that law enforcement gets its wings clipped every time they get close to finding suspects. 

    • Thanks 1
  15. 13 minutes ago, Rip Snorter said:

    I tried that earlier and got a Photo icon with a red x.  BTW, though I am not active shooting anymore, and I had dropped membership, I will re - up to support SASS.  Give me a hint on how.

    I just looked it up. You can go to the attached link or you can call SASS HQ.


    I think I will call in the morning and re-up. I no longer shoot Cowboy Action but I spend a lot of time here. I have lots of Pards here that I would miss. 

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  16. Well, since I am not longer an active member please let me know when I need to say “goodbye”. 

    I do want to say that all the photos posted by me in the Funny Photos thread were from AcidCow.com. A public domain. 

    I’m sorry to hear about this Misty. It’s quite unfortunate. I am pretty sure that you should have received warnings first, not fines. I’m sure your legal team can fix this. 

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