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Posts posted by Dantankerous

  1. I've been watching GB pretty close and have not yet seen the "working" model of the Winchester Miroku 1866 advertised. (As opposed to the fancy, pricey engraved '66). I've really been wanting to compare the Miroku '66 to the Uberti '66. If it is anything like the Miroku '73 it should be a hit with guys like us.


    Caliber and loading gate design are a couple of my main curiosities concerning the new Winchester Miroku '66.


    It looks like this '66 is being featured on the Winchester website as new offering for 2017 but Winchester does not provide a lengthy detail list for all models coming out.


    By the way, I do not see the new Winchester 1866 offered yet on Impact Guns, Buds Guns, Guns America, or Buffalo Arms. Makes me think if there was one on GB, it was an anomoly.

  2. I have seen new Colt 1911s going for that price, brand new. I sure would not buy a Para if I could buy a Colt in the same price range.


    You might have to order one from an online gun store but even with the shipping thrown in it will be less than $800 for a quality 1911 that will retain its resale value.


    If you are patient and can take some time looking around you might be able to find a Springfield GI model. That should set you back somewhere between $450 and $550. Those are quality pieces but are no longer being manufactured by Springfield. The only problem I see with those for some people is they have the standard GI sights which are pretty small.


    My thoughts.

  3. I bought a "used" Ruger Vaquero off GB last year. It showed up and appears to be totally unturned. No sign at all of a cylinder ring. So far I have kept it in the box. I almost hate to start shooting it as it is the only Ruger I have out of my pile of Rugers that is ringless.

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  4. And a few single action army's. I've always wanted to shoot wild bunch gunfighter style with one SAA and one 1911.

    You REALLY want to make peoples' heads spin, don't you? :)

  5. The answer to why is pretty simple. The movie had 1911 .45's, 1897 12 gauges, and 1892 .44-40's & .38-40's. There warn't no .38/357's, .32-20's or .25-20's in the movie. :P

    The Winchester model 12 also made an appearance or two. And is now allowed in WB. BuT I'm not sure if there were lugged sole boots... :)

  6. If'n ya got a hankerin to visit a Spanish speaking country for fun and vacation, I'd recommend Costa Rica.


    I've been to Mexico on several occasions starting back in 1984. Deep into Mexico as well as the sporadic boarder town visit. I sure as hell would not go there now, anywhere, for any reason. Don't see the need to take that risk. Very volition place anymore.

  7. That's like asking what my favorite dessert is. It has many many answers.


    1911 platform. 45 acp. Oh, and Super 38.


    Single actions. 45 Colt.


    Carry guns. 9mm, 10 mm and 357 Sig.


    Carry gun in bear country. 10 mm or 44 mag.


    Pistol caliber used in lever action? Gee, in cowboy that would be 45 Colt although 44-40 in black powder is a very close second. Pistol caliber rifle in Bear Country? 44 Magnum.


    Seemingly many answers to a simple question. Or maybe I am just very indecisive.

  8. I'm looking forward to seeing the Winchester '66 in a "working/shooting" model, not simply an engraved show gun. Hopefully the caliber selection will be diverse and usable.

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