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Everything posted by Dantankerous

  1. Carefully packed away somewhere in all my stuff I have this original poster. I know it's in excellent condition. Might have to get that out... Of course, the Daisy BB gun is long gone.
  2. We watched it and very much enjoyed it. I hope Taylor Sheridan gets around to doing a second season. That man has too many irons in the fire it seems.
  3. The worst one was recently and only because it was way too damn loud. I had to leave the building. It was a concert I got dragged to and didn't care much for anyway. In fact, I care so much I can't even remember who it was. The best? 1988 Doc Serverinsen and the Tonight Show Band. Followed closely by every concert I've seen done by Big Bad Voodoo Daddy, Brian Setzer and the Cherry Poppin Daddies.
  4. Widder... Exactly. Great post. Great memories. Thanks. šŸ˜€ On edit... Mine was a Daisy BB gun. It would easily shoot through both sides of an aluminum can. A year later I got a Crossman 760 pump. That was an insane improvement. A year after that I got my granddad's Springfield model 56 .22 bolt action rifle. That felt like an artillery piece at the time. And is still a great shooter. Granddad said that took a lot of jack rabbits during the Great Depression.
  5. The book by Harry Combs. A western. Found it about five days ago and began reading it. Really good book. About seven hundred pages and lots of detail some of which drones on but it's still quite enjoyable. Set in my favorite part of the United States, which helps as I know the topography. Been over a lot of it myself. Not quite like the character in the book, but... Then I got the thinking there once was a member here who went by the alias Cat Brules. Have not seen in post in several years. Not sure what became of him but I now know where he got his alias. If you are looking for a pretty good western book, give this one a shot.
  6. Seems to me Daniel Penny did more for public safety in one move than DA Bragg has done in his tenure there.
  7. That's called a goldmine!
  8. If you live anywhere close to a place that sells that stuff, buy in person. Bass Pro, Sheels, smaller/local shop... If not, there are reputable places online. Anymore, doing your own due diligence is mandatory.
  9. Very sorry for your loss. There is no hurt like what you're feeling now with having to say goodbye to a great companion. My condolences.
  10. Uh, negative ghost rider. Ruining a perfectly good Colt? Criminal at best. Ugh.
  11. A most excellent and righteous decision.
  12. Is this April 1st? šŸ˜œ
  13. At the first sign of that, their little wussy leader would leave the country on a private jet, spewing tons of environment destroying waste into the environment running for his little life. You know it. I know it. Trudeau knows it.
  14. Midland USA? They sell radios. If you meant Midway USA, they have excellent customer service. Like mentioned, call during business hours.
  15. Was Alec Baldwin somehow involved here?
  16. In Texas, she would have been given a medal.
  17. I miss Jennifer.
  18. Rebate time! šŸ˜€
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  19. Don't the Clinton's now live in NY? Maybe Bill was behind this? Can't blame him though...
  20. Have you searched Cabela's Gun Library? They usually have plenty of Marlins.
  21. The answer? Glock perfection. Duh.
  22. I worked a twelve hour rotating shift for twenty seven years. You have any idea how much coffee I drank? Wonder why I have sleep apnea and heart palpitations now? I have nothing good to say about. Either twelve hour, shifts or rotating shifts. The only good thing I have to say about work in general is it pays the bills and buys guns. I am currently working a much better schedule. But that does not mean i'm going to dilly dally around about retirement and not working at all. Life is too short...
  23. When these first came out, they ran about $1300. In my area, they've ticked up to about $1600 and that was before the ATF announcement. At the local toy store today I saw several on the rack.
  24. It should not be but... According to subsection of something 922 r, imports are restricted on fixed magazine capacity. The same exact shotgun made here would be exempt from this. Import being the keyword.
  25. Benelli has been following 922r for years. How did Beretta miss that for their shotguns made in Italy and imported here? BTW, this does not affect the Ultima 300 Patrol shotgun as it is made in the US. (A very similar shotgun).
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