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Flat Top Okie

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Status Updates posted by Flat Top Okie

  1. Charlie, what is your real name.


    1. charlie two feathers
    2. charlie two feathers

      charlie two feathers

      Charles Strong 

      9 Fenwick lane

      Palm Coast Fl 32137


  2. how much for shipping and insurance

    1. Flat Top Okie

      Flat Top Okie

      how much for shipping and insurance

  3. Hello,

    I have a new shooter at my club that needs a rig. If you will take $300.00, I will take it.

    Flat Top Okie


  4. Thanks, but I want one with double action.

    1. C. W. Knight # 47289L

      C. W. Knight # 47289L

      I understand completely.  I spent 20 years in Alaska.  While there, if in the woods I carried a wide variety of side arms from a .357 blackhawk that I had when I arrived thru a bunch of S&W 's.  If I whe back right now I would go plastic.  Glock 20 Gen 5 w/16 rds of 10MM, in a plastic holster with one spare mag.  31 rds of no safety action, low maintenance.  On the .41 mag side I bought the BH during the Covid mess when I had to bow out of SASS for a while.  Sitting around I found .41 mag info not in very large supply.  I did find Starline made some .41 special brass which I bought into for maybe SASS.  NOTE BH's don't fit in NMV custom holsters due to the Large front sight.;)  Hope that you find just what you are looking for and Enjoy your time in the woods with your son.  C-U, C.W.  

  5. Hi Null & Void,

    If you would take $150.00 shipped for the pair of .32 holsters, I will buy them. I have a new young shooter at our club, who can use them.

    Flat Top Okie

    SASS 80827  

    1. Null N. Void

      Null N. Void



      Send the payment to:


      Laurence Shaul

      894 Three Wood Drive

      Fayetteville, NC 28312


      Please send me your Shipping Address.


      NNV (Larry Shaul)

    2. Flat Top Okie

      Flat Top Okie

      I will mail check tomorrow. Please send to address below when you receive check.

      Ship to

      J.R. Hile

      14340 NW 150th St

      Piedmont, OK 73078

    3. Null N. Void

      Null N. Void

      Holsters are on the way.  USPS and should be there Saturday or Monday.

  6. Hello Kathy,

    We have a new shooter at our club who might be interested in your .32s if you still have them. Are you flexible on the price and if so what is your best price on cash with face to face delivery, shipping not necessary. I know they have been on the classified wire a long time.

    Flat Top Okie

    1. Kathy Ross

      Kathy Ross

      I currently have an interested party that I am waiting to hear back from. I will let you know either way.



      Bisbee Kate

    2. Kathy Ross

      Kathy Ross

      Hi guy. The pistols are still available if you have someone interested. The other fellow changed his mind. I can drop the price to $1850.00 for both.


      Bisbee Kate

    3. Flat Top Okie

      Flat Top Okie

      Hi Kathy,

      Sorry but they found a a pair last week.

      Flat Top

  7. Hi Hud,

    I can't get your PM to open. Call me at 405-409-9442.

    Flat Top Okie

  8. Hi Drifter,

    Right now the banquet is sold out, but we will probably have a few more cancellations. Should I put her on the waiting list.

    Flat Top

  9. Hi Dutch,

    Sorry, but when i didn't receive an email response I thought that you had changed your mind. I will send the pictures.

    Flat Top


  10. Hi Toranado

    Do you know what time Wednesday you expect to pass through OKC.

    Flat Top

    1. Toranado, SASS # 58447

      Toranado, SASS # 58447

      It's going to be Thursday.    Looks like directions say between 2-3ish.   We'll be on 44, but then I think there are a few different ways through Ok city.   Where abouts are you located?

    2. Flat Top Okie

      Flat Top Okie

      We are located near the I44 turnpike on the west side of OKC. I will be available Thursday so call me when you cross I35 going west on The Kilpatrick Turnpike (I44) through OKC and we will figure a place to meet. Are you pulling an RV.

      Flat Top

    3. Toranado, SASS # 58447

      Toranado, SASS # 58447

      Sounds good.   No RV,  Just driving a black Ram 1500.

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