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Calamity Kris

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Everything posted by Calamity Kris

  1. Our first dog, a German Short-haired Pointer/Beagle mix puppy was "given" to us by Uno's soon to be BIL who found it wandering on the street with a rope tied around its neck. He told us if we didn't take it from him he would have to take it to the pound because his mother feared dogs. William F. Buckley was the sweetest little guy, dumb as a box of rocks, but very sweet. You could throw the ball and he would start to chase it, then half way into the run he would forget what he was doing and stop to do something else (ala "Look a squirrel"). Our shepherds and shepherd mixes were all from a GSD rescue organization. Some of the best dogs we've ever had. Our remaining dog, a GSD/Husky mix is mom's dog. End of story. When I was going through chemo, she would lay on the floor on my side of the bed to make sure I was OK. If I started to stir, she would go get Uno to alert him that I might need help.
  2. Oh now you're using that "P" word again....... :P :P
  3. You are not alone, my friend. I am obviously not good at this either.
  4. That's pretty bold for Fresno. :lol:
  5. Our dogs never get to sleep in the bed with us, no matter how much they try. The Husky mix snores far too loudly........... She has a bed in the corner that's close enough for her. The cat, we didn't have a choice. He decided he gets to sleep on me and that was the end of it. When it gets really cold, he tunnels under the covers and curls up in the crook of my knee. I usually wake up when I am brushed by his whiskers as he crawls past my back............
  6. You could always be Jeff Fisher...............
  7. Oh my. What works of art those are. Beautiful.
  8. I have a similar situation to Mary. If we're only going to be gone a couple of days, Pongo gets extra food and water and I make sure he has a freshly cleaned box. {He is really fussy about his box.} If we're gone more than a couple of days, we hire the neighbor's son to come over and check up on him.
  9. Beautiful, SDJ. Thank you.
  10. You are in our prayers, Doc. We understand where you are because we are there too...... You are a good man and I'm sure you would do well in the new position or you wouldn't have considered it. No need to worry. What is best for you and yours will always work out in the end.
  11. "Almost three years later, there is justice – of sorts." I don't know there will ever be justice for what has happened to this family. No apology or monetary award or whatever will bring Stacey back. Sheldon will at least have some peace now. Prayers up for Sheldon and those who are close to him.
  12. Calamity looks at the gathering crowd, shakes her head and mutters under her breath, "Looks like I best get back into the store and start gathering bandages, iodine and other necessary items. These folks is fixin' to cause a ruckus again this year and someone is bound to get hurt."
  13. I've heard a lot of the tributes on XM also. Who would have thought "Lucky Man" was something he wrote as a kid. Amazing talent.
  14. I was saddened to learn that Greg Lake lost his long battle with cancer yesterday at 69. You will be greatly missed. http://www.msn.com/en-us/music/news/emerson-lake-and-palmer-founder-greg-lake-dies-at-69/ar-AAliM3c?OCID=ansmsnnews11
  15. OK you guys. Here's a picture of one. Uno will have to tell you why his family passed it around for several years as it happened way before "our" time.
  16. Very cool!!! Thanks for sharing.
  17. The strangest thing I can think of is the Christmas after Uno and I got married we were given a rather large coconut tiki doll. We were told it had been left as a wedding present but we somehow overlooked it. {It was so big and ugly I don't know how we could have....} When I turned it upside down, I noticed it had a cork in the bottom. When I removed said cork, a sum of cash came out. Someone even threw in their pocket change. Uno will have to tell you the story behind the Richard Nixon shower head.................
  18. Wonderful idea!!! Now that would be a "Kodak moment".
  19. Ain't the Onion great!!!!!
  20. "Get back" Calamity shouted as she leaps forward with her shotgun. "I told you to stay away from my tree. Go fetch your own."
  21. "Any one of you hooligans touch my Norfolk Pine and so help me you will regret it. If you want to get yourself a tree for the Saloon, you best head to the forest and fetch your own", Calamity shouted as she stood in front of the majestic 30 ft. pine in front of her house, located next to the mercantile!!!! "This here loaded shotgun and my six shooters will ensure you won't touch nary a needle."
  22. Well I'll be. I just got finished paying for the windows that had to be replaced after the last time you boys got together in Toostone. I reckon I best get back to the Mercantile and count my pennies again, just in case something gets started 'round here..........
  23. I'm torn on how to state this. I would like to wish a Merry Christmas to those who so believe but I would be remiss in not wishing Happy Hanukkah, or whatever you celebrate to those friends as well. I'm not trying to be PC as much as I'm trying to show I support you whatever you believe, or not. OK I'm going to shut up now before I make a bigger mess of things...
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