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Calamity Kris

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Status Replies posted by Calamity Kris

  1. Remember you guys were from Long Beach. How do you like Florida.

    1. Calamity Kris

      Calamity Kris

      Small world.  Uno's sister teaches at Warren and Uno graduated from USC.

    2. (See 2 other replies to this status update)

  2. Remember you guys were from Long Beach. How do you like Florida.

    1. Calamity Kris

      Calamity Kris

      We like it a lot here.  We will both be retiring soon and plan to stay.  Actually, Uno grew up in Downey, off Firestone and Gallitin, not far from where your picture was taken.  His father still lives in the same house.

    2. (See 2 other replies to this status update)

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