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Abilene Slim SASS 81783

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Everything posted by Abilene Slim SASS 81783

  1. Adding on, it’s possible to have a FP that’s too long. I replaced one that was too short with a longer one. It was so long that it would dent the primer just by gently closing the action. I found another one that split the difference between the two. Sometimes they need some fitting.
  2. 1931 Alfa Romeo 6C 1750 Gran Sport Spider Zagato
  3. Imagine sitting in on a meeting where the flag officer(s) try to make the one-per-division rule sound rational to a combat vet.
  4. Says I have to sign in to watch. No thanks.
  5. Stolen from Sedalia Dave. 😁
  6. Walmart opened in Arkansas and sold the first toothbrush. In other parts of the country it was called a teethbrush…
  7. According to my son, those grass and scrub fires spread at lightning speed. I don’t think they could have marshaled and deployed enough retardant fast enough to have made a difference. ☹️
  8. Thanks for the clarification. 😊 Mine is a lot rattier now after years of CAS, plus, I changed out the “rope” band it originally had, which included a small feather. It’s the rope band and brim diameter on your girlfriend’s that got my attention. I have a number of hats, but this is my go-to hat with its black powder stains and a moth hole or two. The rattier it gets, the more I love it. The sweat band is cracked, but I’m not sure where how to replace it.
  9. Humor writer Dave Barry said in his list of “Things I’ve Learned”, “Never ever ask if a woman is pregnant, unless you see the baby falling from between her legs.”
  10. Dave, does your wife’s hat happen to be a Stetson? I believe I have the same hat, bought in ‘78.
  11. Our president. https://www.foxnews.com/politics/biden-bites-babies-visiting-white-house-halloween-trick-or-treat-celebration.amp
  12. Until today, I didn’t know biting babies was a political Halloween tradition. I thought it was kissing babies. Folks, this really happened today. Do they bite babies in Australia too?
  13. It was remarkable it didn’t crash in foul weather like the helium-filled USS Akron (1933) and USS Macon (1935). Those two crashes ended the rigid airship era in the US. The Hindenburg ended things forever in 1937.
  14. At my polling place, the machine spits out a printed tally sheet with your selections listed. You are given several chances to review your selections before hitting the print button. You then walk the sheet over to a scanner and feed it in. No one can touch the tally sheet but the voter. Like a restaurant receipt, it’s incumbent upon the voter to review the printout before scanning, which is when a protest can be made. After that, well, too bad, as the sheet disappears into the scanner.
  15. Yeah, but it was Tik Tok on Instagram. Since I don’t do Facebook, Instagram, TT et al, I have to make an effort to find the sound button on these ‘links to links’ in order to hear them. When I saw there were no F100s and just someone spouting off, I didn’t bother. Usually I don’t bother, regardless.
  16. Years ago we had a power outage that just affected 4 houses. I called it in and a crew came out. I pointed out the pole that connected our houses. The crewman spent the next several minutes looking around the base of pole. I asked what he was doing, since he never looked up at the transformer. He said, “I’m looking for the squirrel.” Then he said, “Got it.” Sure enough, in the pile of leaves was just a fried tail standing straight up like a Wile E Coyote cartoon when he’d been electrocuted. 😁
  17. The state match rotates to Powder Creek Cowboys for 2025, to be held in June.
  18. With Google fiber, I get the same speeds as Marshal. I send large files regularly, so upload speed is as important as download. How is the Xfinity signal delivered? Cable, fiber optic, etc?
  19. Many memorable roles. A talented lady! RIP ☹️
  20. I remember “The Pepsi Generation”, but not the “Come Alive” part. Apparently it was part of it. Found this: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pepsi_Generation
  21. “He’s so unhip that when you say Dylan, he thinks you’re talking about Dylan Thomas… whoever he was. The man ain’t got no culture…” -Paul Simon
  22. I read the exact same story years ago, but it was with the Coke campaign slogan, “Coke adds life.”
  23. My dad flew the F9F Cougar, a swept wing variant of the Panther.
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