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Abilene Slim SASS 81783

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Everything posted by Abilene Slim SASS 81783

  1. I did, and went back to third gen in my .44-40. It’s all very subjective. A third gen kit is miles ahead of a stock rifle. 5th gen vs 3rd not so much - at least not for me.
  2. Interesting airplane. It shares the same tail plane arrangement as the P4Y Privateer that my dad flew. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Consolidated_PB4Y-2_Privateer https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Consolidated_PB4Y-2_Privateer#/media/File%3APB4Y-2_Privateer_VP-23_in_flight.jpg
  3. What was the original color, night fighter black or navy blue?
  4. I saw Elvis today…
  5. Stunning news they can still communicate with it. https://www.foxnews.com/science/interstellar-voyager-1-resumes-operations-after-pause-communications-nasa.amp
  6. We’ve been doing that for years. Learned from son. Bacon seems to shrink less and stays thicker too.
  7. Has he applied for a waiver to demonstrate he can fly with the disability? That can be accomplished, but I’ve no idea of your son’s particular situation.
  8. …But not as long as if the Missouri Department of Transportation was involved…
  9. In a Chiefs game last weekend, after Mahomes was fined, an opposing player did the gunfighter gesture, but nothing was said about it. I mentioned that to a friend who is a rabid Chiefs and NFL fan. He explained that the player’s thumbs were down as opposed to up like Mahomes, and hence not a foul according to the NFL. I guess hammer down on an empty chamber is considered safe in the NFL too…
  10. Airplane! (1980) is pretty much a frame-by-frame remake of Zero Hour (1957). Same dialogue but with a punchline.
  11. What does this have to do with Rye’s post about today’s game? What stunt?
  12. Looks like they’ve gone to the “head” of their class.
  13. Some of them tourists at the GC is really stoopid. Seen a number of them flagrantly violating posted warnings. Too bad they didn’t suffer the consequences, thus reducing the gene pool.
  14. Yup, that’s what I’ve been using since 2010.
  15. I had a factory new red AA where the brass was fractured and split like that. However, it was unfired and didn’t blow out. It had a vertical split, and a horizontal split where the brass rolls to the rim. It was just sort of peeling away from hull like a broken fingernail. I think it may have happened when the shell was dropped.
  16. A monument to the Oklahoma land rush in Oklahoma City. It’s difficult to capture the breadth of this display as it stretches about the length of a football field. The detail in these bigger than life sculptures is extraordinary. Note the resemblance to Will Rodgers.
  17. Old doctor joke: Two doctors are conferring about patient’s case and one says to the other, “Well, I don’t what’s wrong with him either, but let’s treat him before he gets better on his own.” Hope you get some answers, Jim. All my best to you.
  18. Lordy, will this ever end? https://www.foxnews.com/sports/patrick-mahomes-fined-14000-violent-gesture-while-celebrating-touchdown-report.amp
  19. Sunset, Lake of the Ozarks, Mo. the moon is in the upper left corner. Kansas City sunrise
  20. I’ll bet that sounded cool too, Doc.
  21. Grand Canyon from the south rim… … from the North Rim
  22. I remember something similar at the trap range, but as I recall, the hulls were pumpkin orange. Was that the same mfr, and just a different loading?
  23. That scale will useful for smokeless propellants. It’s not necessary (nor is the aquarium pump) for BP & subs. Those are loaded by volume, not by weight.
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