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Abilene Slim SASS 81783

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Everything posted by Abilene Slim SASS 81783

  1. Which is why I haven’t watched one in the last 20 years.
  2. Story of my life. The hearing part, that is. However, I would never share what I “heard”. Not to that guy anyway…
  3. From a friend who was at a "Red Dawn" match last year.
  4. I always looked behind me right before falling over backwards. One time a tourist diver didn’t and landed right on top of me. Boy howdy, that left a mark on my head.
  5. The best thing to come out of Iowa is I-35… Apologies to my Iowa pards. That’s a cheesy Kansas City joke!
  6. Hijack alert!! Ok, so the M-79 was deemed obsolete as a stand-alone weapon and also not versatile enough, so it was combined with the AR platform to make the M-203. But now, the M-203 is obsolete and they're going back to a stand-alone weapon with an improved version of the M-79 with the M-320? I don't get it.
  7. Is that an MG-42? And is that Aaron Rogers preparing to fire on the defensive line?
  8. That doesn’t look like “The Gay Caballero” movie I saw way back when…
  9. I’ve got one of those with oak leaves…
  10. I can make out a correctly oriented letter E ahead of the cockpit. Could he have been landing on the centerline deck?
  11. If he wuz wearing cowboy boots and they took off the bucket spikes, he could look 'em in the "eyes".
  12. That was taken in Leadville, CO. It is or was, an annual event. We used to stay there and ski at Ski Cooper north of town.
  13. I did the same, but didn’t consult Snopes. There is no story to be found about this supposed person. I’m amazed people fall for this s**t.
  14. Seriously? I’ve never seen a jug launch itself like that. I would think it would have exited the cowling by then. I’ve seen a magneto grenade itself, but the shrapnel had already left the engine compartment.
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