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John Barleycorn, SASS #76982

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Posts posted by John Barleycorn, SASS #76982

  1. Simply put, If you are not familiar with the rules, you should not be timing. I'm sure this will go on for two, maybe three pages

  2. MAX,


    my wife, daughter and I were at Red Lobster a while back.


    After my daughter ordered her meal and the waiter left the table, I ask my daughter why she only ordered a "piece of shrimp and a salad"?


    She said.... "Daddy, I ordered their PEACE BRANDY SHRIMP and SCALLOPS".


    YEP, word recognition can sometimes be humorous. Just make sure nobody tells any 'duck' jokes around you.....




    Been there, Beth will say something that makes no sense at all, then I know right away I heard her wrong.

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