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John Barleycorn, SASS #76982

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Posts posted by John Barleycorn, SASS #76982



    THAT's my point. They have designed the game so that you must modify your guns to be able to do it. You should be able to play the game without penalty with unmodified equipment . It has been set up so that the opposite is true. Setting it up so that it requires a modification to avoid a penalty is not right.

    Ok, so have you requested a rule change?

    As a side thought does a Model 12 need modification to hold 6? If not get a nice Model 12 for $300-400


    General principal. We should not be forcing people to change their guns if they don't want to in order to participate in an event without a handicap. If people WANT to change their guns, more power to them. But we should be able to use the guns the way they were made. :)

    Sorry I just don't see the point. If one wants to compete without the so called handicap one has to have the right equipment to play the game.
  3. I shot it. It was usually 10 rifle, (9 on a couple of stages), 30 pistol and, very annoyingly, 6 shotgun. My 97's are all unmodified from the way they were made, and none of them holds 6 rounds.


    To have a stage convention that requires you to modify your gun if you don't have one of the random ones that hold six from the factory is not right.


    To be honest, if I ever make it back to EoT, I prolly won't bother with Wild Bunch again for that very reason.

    I don't know why one would not just change the spring. One can always put the original back in after the match.

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  4. Cry once and buy a 73. A 92 will leave you quickly frustrated, and wishing you had just saved a little more a bought a 73. Both the Uberti and the Winchesters are excellent rifles. The Uberti is competition proven and spare parts are readily available. The Winchester 73 is also a fine choice but parts are scarce.


    PS the Taylors & Co. and the Cimarron are both Uberti's they are just importers, not manufacturers. The only difference is the roll stamp on the barrel.

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