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Cypress Sun

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Everything posted by Cypress Sun

  1. None of them, they're all dead...but if I had to choose while living, it'd be Perry Mason. He only lost one case...because the guy was indeed guilty, Burger finally won one.
  2. Come on man...the answer is 42...always has been...always will.
  3. I never had to show ID to get into a bra although some bras were harder to get into than some bars.
  4. Never a truer song was ever written.
  5. At this point in life, cremation is the only way I'll have a hot body!
  6. I don't wave that things I can't see.
  7. Yeah, it was pretty cool and completely unexpected. In all honesty, I kind of felt bad for Mr. Clayton-Thomas as there was only about 20 people there for the 1st show, not very many for what I considered a top rate musician as was his (mostly brass) band that was with him. That didn't stop them from putting a first rate show at all. There were more people in the audience for the second show than the first, but not many more. A unique night to be sure and one that I will think about and remember for a lifetime.
  8. I sat and partied with David Clayton-Thomas when he was doing a show in a bowling alley bar in Largo, Florida in 1983 or 84. We talked and had drinks for about 1 and 1/2 hours in-between his shows, just me and him. Real nice, down to earth guy. Still had the big, powerful voice and did all of Blood, Sweat & Tears hits and not so famous songs.
  9. We have drivers that drive on the left side of the road here in the US also. We call them drunk drivers.
  10. Yeah, IMO the AFI breakers were, and still are, a solution to a problem that (for the most part) didn't exist. Lobbyists and big money started influencing NEC many years ago and hasn't stopped. The AFI requirements have added completely unnecessary costs to new and some remodels.
  11. I know. I'm talking about using them on something land based.
  12. For aircraft, yes. For other applications, well...that depends.
  13. I really wish all homeowners would do just what you did. It would even be better if the original electrician's as-built blueprints, or copies, were retained/stored for future reference. Ya done good Alpo!
  14. That's the way it's supposed to happen. Sometimes bad things can happen if somewhere in the circuit "daisy chain" there is loose/bad/improper connections. Zinsco/FPE breakers are famous for not tripping right away, if at all, thus creating an unintentional welding type situation. Usually, the switch doesn't last long either, expecially if it's a cheapo 15 amp rated residential type switch. I have used this method many times but only on newer type buildings and only after checking panel manufacture. For non-professional electricians, I do not suggest this method. Breaker locators aren't that expensive or, if in a smaller type location (house or similar) you can just plug in a radio, turn it up loud and turn off breakers until the music stops.
  15. Hey, don't laugh...it works on most makes of panels EXCEPT Zinsco and FPE panels. If you use this on those type panels...be prepared for a ruined cord end, receptacle and switch. On the bright side (really bright side) you'll get a free lesson in welding and welding theory.
  16. Let me guess, just e-mail his buddy who just happens to have exactly what you're looking for.
  17. Yeah, but ours were edible.
  18. OOOH, a bullet hole through the cranium would make the illusion even better!
  19. Yep...that's me...from 1 to 9.
  20. Is his name Hunter by chance?
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