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Cypress Sun

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Everything posted by Cypress Sun

  1. Not me.
  2. It's still delivering the mail.
  3. Buford drove a Pontiac. I do see the A-Team's van there. Guarantee they'll be 500 bullets sprayed around the neighborhood with no injuries or damage to the surrounding area...FOOL.
  4. Hey, Bulgarian women need love too...and a banana .
  5. I beg to differ...
  6. What a coincidence. I took all of the creams and lotions on the bathroom counter and put them in one big bottle, Same thing with all of those colored little bottles with the brushes attached to the cap. Saved a ton of space on the counter and wait til you see how I saved space in the shower!
  7. Good luck....
  8. Naw, that's an American arachnid...gotta be toilet paper. If that's Australia, that's a paper towel roll with a baby spider on it.
  9. That's the employees. They must pay them by the pound.
  10. Dummies...
  11. Heard today in Home Depot. Been a while since I heard this one.
  12. What a wimp. Never extended the ladder and a water cushioned safety net AND working on low voltage. Probably even has a square to round bushing on the ladder...p**** Yes, I've worked out of a bucket truck before.
  13. During an interview with Bill Withers, the interviewer pointed out the "Ain't No Sunshine" was not proper use of the English language. He replied "I know, I know, I know, I know...."
  14. One of the great storytellers of our time who left us way before his time. Great song, Thanks
  15. #5...just because I hate the saying.
  16. Ya know, I was thinking about the Easter egg hunts when I was a kid. They always used real boiled eggs, left out all day sometimes, peeled and eaten after all of them were found. I didn't die...huh. Do people still use real eggs? I thought it was the plastic eggs with candy inside these days.
  17. Woke up with this in my head this morning...
  18. Definitely won't have to worry about any bent carrots for a while either.
  19. I don't think that I've ever heard this and I've heard a bunch of Tull. Thanks Blackwater!
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